I'm know as The Debonair Dude, the Administrator of the Blog "Our World As We See It" .An Interactive Community Dedicated to the Free and Open Exchange of Ideas and of opinions. ... Our motto here is “The truth shall set you free”

As they say, “the truth shall set you free” so in my blog I'll let you know exactly what's on my mind. I don't play the PC game, If you want my opinion, I’m here to give you exactly that, so be very careful what you ask for, because you might get what you asked for.

This forum is very general, it has subjects from Humor to Politics, Trivia, Sports, News. Entertainment, Current Events and anything else that maybe on your mind.This blog will tell you my why I believe Barack Hussein Obama is the worst and the most incompetent President the USA has ever seen.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Invasion of the Food Police!

Lets face the facts here, with the Presidents plate so full of scandals and monster laws like Illegal Immigration (illegal aliens), the madness at the Boarders, Obamacare, the IRS putting their 2 cents in where is doesn’t belong, Hamas and Israel, missing Airplanes, the breakdown of relations with Russia and the Ukraine and all those Edicts, and Executive power that Obama has imposed on Americans, that I call DICTATORIAL, not Presidential the ultimate question in my mind today is whether the government, especial the First lady should tell you what to eat! And even further yet enforce their views about it and make it the law! And in this guys opinion, the answer is no.
The government job should be to worry about foreign relations, the security of our nation, and helping negotiate issues between us, our allies and even our enemies, keeping things within the States in order as well as our infrastructure. such as
the roads and bridges, etc. etc. . It should not do anything else, as that is the job of the private sector...And as far as our eating habits, If a person wants to eat like a pig and be over weight or if a person wants to starve themselves, and be as thin or get fat as they want to that is their business. Now, I will understand if someone is harming themselves with food, and expect the taxpayer to pay for all is medical expenses. Well then, intervention may be necessary. But if he or she has private insurance, and want to eat themselves to death, then let them go for it.

NO ONE should tell me how much soda I can drink, or if it should be diet. soda or not, or what color my lunch should be. If I don’t want it to be GREEN, the let it be BROWN! This is still a free country and I don’t need anyone in the government to tell me differently. Especially some stupid FAT ASS.

I always thought we were a nation of diversity. That we were unique and different. And that we all have our own special needs, and desires, and that’s what make us free! . If that’s the case, then why are the rules set up for a one size fits all notion governed by the (White House)? Let’s face it, what may be fattening for one person, may barely satisfy another.

We the American people know what is best for ourselves. We don’t need any invasion from a NON-Elected person, or the Food Police to tell us differently. Or to tell us to eat veggie-burgers instead of Hamburgers. .
We don’t need any instructions from the dreams of our fathers, or their wives

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Hey Obama, Stop Dumping These Invading Illegal Kids On Us!

Just why should we let these disease and lice ridden “Children” into this country? They are ILLEGAL!   What part of the word ILLEGAL don’t these bleeding heart Progressive imbeciles understand?  They aren't our responsibility so why should we the taxpayers of this country take on this burden ? Why should we, the taxpayers of America have to pay for kids from another country? No matter where this inept lying POS puts them, he knows damn well that they're gonna grow up to be another bunch welfare bums and vote for the party of handouts.  That's why he supports this invasion. Democrats turned the  blacks into welfare slaves and now they get 90- 95% of the black vote and they want to do the same with these Mexican, Colombian, and other Central American children who are crossing the border’s illegally!  They have already  estimated these “Kids” to be at 52,000, so far this year!  These children are minors and are the responsibility of the country they come from, and not ours.  Has anyone thought of the fact that they don't know the language they have to be cared for, schooled, given medical care, etc, etc, and etc. Drugs are flowing into our nation like a river, and no one asks any question as to how they got here?
Obama, wants to grant amnesty to everyone, just like his Aunt and Uncle and he wants the American people to pay the bills for Lawyers, Doctors, for Teachers, and everyone else.  So they can gain permanent residency and become more DumbaRats While Obama lays on a Beach somewhere...
I say load up these disease and lice ridden kids on a banana boat and send em back to wherever the hell they came from. They are not our responsibility.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Those Pesky Illegal Immigrant Kids

I heard that President Obama asked Massachusetts to shelter these illegal immigrant kids
I guess that 2 out of 3 Obama Lovers are getting new neighbors. I didn't vote for this inept, incompetent, gutless wonder, so I didn't get any in my State.  Thank God!
I say that we should send them all to all those wonderful spots where all the liberals go on their vacations, like the Hampton’s, Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard.  And  let them pay for them.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

A Nation of Immigrants? Really?

Are we really a nation of immigrants? Or is that a load of Hog-Wash we are being told by Dear Leader? We are being told by these Progressive-Liberals that we should be happy about the current immigrant invasion because after all AMERICA IS A MELTING POT! And after all, we ARE a “Nation of immigrants.”... Are we?  And if we are, should we be?
And why is it  that Mexico’s illegal immigration laws are so much tougher than ours?
The way that I see it, Immigration is all but destroying the American economy!  The invasion of America by illegal aliens in general but especially , this recent invasion by “Children, Kids or whatever else we are calling them” and soon to follow by their parents and the rest of their families at our borders, it is and will be hurting our country's economy, our education system will be so over loaded that it will be all bu useless, the same with our hospitals, throe in our food stamp-program, our welfare system , our housing, it will Increase crime, hurt Medicaid, decrease the  funds available for entitlements and therefor hurt the Obamaphone program,, the Michelle Obama free free lunches ,and even our environmental quality, and in fact, the very culture of the United States. And bring in foreign diseases, as we are already seeing. Increase gangs and drug users and drug runners. etc. etc. and ETC! Does  this make any sense?
And lets look at what the future will bring...Jobs that were usually assumed to be taken by high school kids for after-school work or summer jobs are now mostly held by illegal aliens as we see in fast-food restaurants, restaurant dishwashers, waiters, gardeners etc.. Our Hospitals are already going bankrupt because, of people not paying their bills.  As well as  they are giveing free medical care to non-citizens. Our Schools are overloaded and the cost of Free Lunches, teachers , books etc. is out of sight.
These people have no interest in becoming Americans, and lave no allegiance to the country that gives them all their benefits, they send their paychecks back to their native countries and they don’t pay any taxes here because the work off the books!
We don’t need Obama and his administration, or these Progressive/Commies to tell us any differently.