I'm know as The Debonair Dude, the Administrator of the Blog "Our World As We See It" .An Interactive Community Dedicated to the Free and Open Exchange of Ideas and of opinions. ... Our motto here is “The truth shall set you free”

As they say, “the truth shall set you free” so in my blog I'll let you know exactly what's on my mind. I don't play the PC game, If you want my opinion, I’m here to give you exactly that, so be very careful what you ask for, because you might get what you asked for.

This forum is very general, it has subjects from Humor to Politics, Trivia, Sports, News. Entertainment, Current Events and anything else that maybe on your mind.This blog will tell you my why I believe Barack Hussein Obama is the worst and the most incompetent President the USA has ever seen.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

We Republicans Have Been Vilified And Insulted For The Past 13 Years, And We Aren’t Going to Take It Anymore!

We Republicans have been vilified and insulted for the past 13 years, from the day that George Bush was elected and through the past 5 years of Barack Obama’s failed Presidency. From his gross failures, his lies, and his manipulation of the United States Constitution.  From the Duck Dynasty issue to the Chick-fil-A issue.  Black Republicans have been vilified and insulted by the Left for the past 13 years from Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, to  Herman Cain. Ben Carson, the more eloquent version of Herman Cain, Black neurosurgeon from Baltimore has become the latest Black conservative to have been shot down, The liberals have taken the politics of personal destruction to new levels. It is no wonder that the Republicans have become a little uncooperative. If the President and his party treated me in the same manner they have treated Republicans, I would be loathe to have any part of them. The day he took office, the President forgot his promise to be President to all Americans and became President of liberal Americans.

In the five years that Barack Obama has been President the liberals, media, talking heads, and politicians, have been wearing out their race cards. There has been no such thing as a disagreement on policy or a dislike of planned results. If you disagree with Obama you are automatically a racist. Why else would one not cheer every word he speaks.
And now the Liberals are fixed on Ted Nugent, addressing him as a prominent Republican! 


I do not agree with most of what Mr. Obama says and does, while not caring a bit about his skin color. He talks too much and says too little.
We all know where Obama and the liberals stand, with Socialism, class warfare, lyes, and broken promises. We know exactly where Obama and the liberals stand: bigger government, less freedom, and massive job losses. Obama had his chance to make things better. Instead, he took over healthcare, passed massive tax increases, and presided over record gas prices and unemployment.


  1. Ema was let out of the Crazy Bin for the week-end, I knew that we shouldn't be doing things like that. It's very dangerous to everyone in the area, to have perplexed like her walking around unsupervised .

    1. .

      Oh Darth Bacon, you say such in-depth meaningful things. Did you learn to be so articulate by hanging out with Mr Poopy Pants? Or are you naturally so anal?

      Ema Nymton

    2. .

      Oh by the way Darth Bacon,

      I forgot to add ...

      F*** Off.

      Ema Nymton

  2. Ema sounds SO sweet . Like a lizard .

  3. Ema is a waste of time. I wouldn't even bother answering her . I only leave her comments here to show what idiots we are dealing with. I think that she types with one hand on her keyboard and the other on her walker.

    1. .


      Don't be coy Debonair Dude. Embrace your comrade in "arms". This POS is all yours.

      Of course Poopy Pants is a Republican'T. He is a chicken-hawk COWARD, a child molester, and on Fox Networks. Ask fellow chicken-hawk Insannity-Hannity. Or Poopy Pants' BFF OMitt RMoney.

      Ema Nymton

  4. You ain't seen or heard anything yet, Deb Dude...the Midterms are vital to the finishing of ruining this country, so Ted Nugent will be a blip in the radar screen to how ugly they'll go.
    Wait for it. Happens every election but I think the next two will be DOOZIES.........they'll be crawling all over our blogs, acting like conservatives and saying really awful things to make us look bad.........it's already started.

    1. .

      Z said:

      "... saying really awful things to make us look bad."

      Oh please. "THEY" won't have to say awful things to make you look bad. THEY only have to say the truth. The truth, like Mr Poopy Pants is a true Republican'T, draft dodger, coward, and pedophile.

      Isn't Deb Dude and Mr Poopy pants BFF?

      Ema Nymton

  5. I agree with you Z, only they'll use phoney names to do so.

    Emma, I've had it with your ignorant and school yard talk, so your gone form here, Bye, bye, and so are your Fascist friends.
