I'm know as The Debonair Dude, the Administrator of the Blog "Our World As We See It" .An Interactive Community Dedicated to the Free and Open Exchange of Ideas and of opinions. ... Our motto here is “The truth shall set you free”

As they say, “the truth shall set you free” so in my blog I'll let you know exactly what's on my mind. I don't play the PC game, If you want my opinion, I’m here to give you exactly that, so be very careful what you ask for, because you might get what you asked for.

This forum is very general, it has subjects from Humor to Politics, Trivia, Sports, News. Entertainment, Current Events and anything else that maybe on your mind.This blog will tell you my why I believe Barack Hussein Obama is the worst and the most incompetent President the USA has ever seen.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

What Really Pisses ME Off

What really pisses ME off among MANY other things about this situation is the fact that nobody has made any mention about these hero's who died trying to find this SOB  deserter.
Here are their names, just in case anyone is interested.

PFC Matthew Michael Martinek
Staff Sgt. Kurt Robert Curtiss
SSG Clayton Bowen
PFC Morris Walker
SSG Michael Murphrey
2LT Darryn Andrews
But instead we see his Father wearing that HIDEOUS Taliban style beard and  praising Allah and promising more Gitmo detainees to be released! 

I would like to know what ever  happened to "we do not negotiate with terrorists."?  But now that we did and our President has set a precedent, look for more of Americans to be captured and held prisoner, so that Mr. Lair, Liar, Pants on Fire to make more of these swaps, for more Guantanamo prisoners, until Gitmo is empty and O’blabber can keep his promise and close it.. This whole situation is smelling worse by the day..

In the GOOD Ole Days a deserter would be put against the wall in front of a Firing Squad
But even if Bowe Bergdahl were to be convicted for desertion from his post prior to his “capture” by the Taliban nobody would even think him facing the death penalty.
I know that there are various penalties for varying definitions of desertion and or AWOL, and I understand that the death penalty is not even a consideration, and I’m ok with that, however, I would like to see this guy imprisoned for a long time for what he did. And I’m sick of hearing these Liberal’s pleading his case because of their love for Obama. Let it sink in to these Liberal’s sick minds that their Messiah has released five of the most dangerous terrorists in the world. And these lunatics are capable of doing anything.

Look. At. Yourselves, you selfish bastards, look at the disgusting think your Hero Obama has done. You all are morally bankrupt hypocrites, is this what this country has finally become?

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