I'm know as The Debonair Dude, the Administrator of the Blog "Our World As We See It" .An Interactive Community Dedicated to the Free and Open Exchange of Ideas and of opinions. ... Our motto here is “The truth shall set you free”

As they say, “the truth shall set you free” so in my blog I'll let you know exactly what's on my mind. I don't play the PC game, If you want my opinion, I’m here to give you exactly that, so be very careful what you ask for, because you might get what you asked for.

This forum is very general, it has subjects from Humor to Politics, Trivia, Sports, News. Entertainment, Current Events and anything else that maybe on your mind.This blog will tell you my why I believe Barack Hussein Obama is the worst and the most incompetent President the USA has ever seen.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Mr. "Gutsy!"

 Obama will go to any length to try to steal credit from our military and use them as a campaign  backdrop.

In typical dramatic fashion and on the anniversary of  death of Osama Bin-Ladin Our Dear and Fearless Leader spent 12 hours in Afghanistan yesterday!

Celebrating the "Gutsy" decision  "he" made,  and telling the world how   Mitt Romney and the Republicans would have NEVER done that!  What 

the hell was so Gutsy about a decision that 99 present of all Americana would have made? And he even had to sleep on it!  And his ass-hole that is known as Our Vice President warned him NOT to do it!
Real gutsy!  What bravery! What guts! What a man! What a Hero!

The Maggot went to Afghanistan  only for a photo Op that he can use in his campaign!
First of all, if O'Rambo  was a regular guy, he would have spent some time on the ground with the troops, like having dinner with them and  breakfast with them in the morning.

Even that left wing psycho Ariana Huffington didn't see it that way, she slammed Obama for his advertisement bragging on his killing of Osama.

Well played, Mr. President! I'm just not sure if you should get a Nobel Peace prize or an Academy Award for this

There is much more to say here, but the facts are obvious!


  1. Yes, this 'grandstanding' fraud is the antitheses of a "regular guy"! Sadly, >30% of the population will never realize this or care.

  2. Hey Mr. Gutsy! STOP using our troops for your photo OPS, and STOP pronouncing Paaaakistan and Talllllybomb like a Muslim.. Oh I forgot you are a Muslim.

  3. "...the facts are obvious!" and it makes me want to puke my guts ( among OTHER things that I'D LIKE TO DO!)

  4. And, DD, do you just HAVE TO refer to Numb Nuts as "Mr. President"...?
    (That's a rhetorical question.)

  5. Marine4ever
    And, DD, do you just HAVE TO refer to Numb Nuts as "Mr. President"...?

    LOL. that was a inside joke aimed at a Lib./Ptogtrssive who reads this blog and calls Numb Nuts "Mr. President" and always referred to George Bush as "BUSH"

    1. Whew. There for a minute I thought you'd lost it. Naah, not really.
      GREAT site, DD! I'll just refer back to what my bud, JonBerg, said about your site.

  6. .

    So ... It wasn't a gutsy move?

    Is it your objection that a Democratic President finally was able to chase down and have killed Mr bin Laden?

    Is it your objection that a Democratic uppity President finally was able to chase down and have killed Mr bin Laden?

    "... The Maggot went to Afghanistan ..."
    Is calling the President 'Maggot' your code word for "n***er"? Why do you not just come out and say the word, get it over with. Your white hot _HATE_ for this man and his wife because of what he is, is obvious. So why are you hiding behind such bland name-calling? Be a man; or is this too much for you?

    Give credit where credit is due; bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive.

    Ema Nymton

  7. Ema Nymton, If you or anyone else thinks that by Obama running all over the world kissing every other worlds leaders ass is considered good foreign policy, then they should be voting for Obama, because he does that so well. If anyone believes that Obama’s policies on ending this recession we have been in for so long as he has said on so many numerous occasions, then they should be voting for Obama. I can remember him saying that if he couldn't turn this economy around, he didn't deserve to be re-elected, well he hasn't, and he shouldn’t be re-elected . He had two years with a Democratic Congress and did nothing, they couldn't even come up with a budget and his was voted down 97-0 in the Senate. He has failed, and failed so miserably. And no matter how much spin you want to put on it, it can’t change the facts.
    Do I give him credit for killing Osama bin laden? Not any more that I’ll give George Bush for his Water-boarding the animals who coughed up the information need. But his shameless self promotion and politicization of this is just about as low as he has even been before. I guess that he forgot that he had to be forced & dragged off the golf course on that day to make his “Gutsy” decision!! And maybe Obama had to discuss it with his imaginary girlfriend, before he made that "Gutsy" call?

  8. Ema Nymton, This comment of yours only requires a plain and simple reply! Ema Nymton = Idiot

    And please tell me because I never was aware of it before, since when is the word Maggot my or anyone else's code word for "Nigger"? See, I'm not afraid to use that word!

    Also, your quoting that other MORON known as the Vice President saying “bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive”. Only goes to show me where YOU are coming from!
    It does not take a genus to spot a Moron!

  9. .

    If ye be so intent in spewing your hatred and contempt toward and for the President of USA (and it's government), then why don't you stop all this silly prancing around thinking up silly derogatory names? Just come out and start using the word that most truly captures your visceral loathing. Is this not what a "real" Debonair Dude would do?


    Off topic, what is it with so many of slim-ball blogs with name calling? Are you one of the weak knee ilk so lacking in ability to discus issues that your only recourse is name-calling?

    Ema Nymton

  10. You're damned right I have hatred and contempt toward the CURRENT President of USA and EVERYONE around him including his wife!
    He's the one that's ruining MY country, the same country that I laid MY life on the line for, DID YOU?

    Ema Nymton, screw you and the Horse you rode in on. Don't you dare to even try and tell ME what to say and how to think!

    Off topic, what is it with so many of slim-ball blogs with name calling? Are you one of the weak knee ilk so lacking in ability to discus issues that your only recourse is name-calling?

    Is that what you did in your original comment? Was your remark to me so friggen CIVIL?

  11. .
    "Ema Nymton, screw you and the Horse you rode in on."

    Is it safe to say you did not do well in your anger management courses? You might want to go back for a refund.

    As for your gloom and doom vision of USA; let you in on a secret. USA is not ruined. As a matter of fact USA is doing better now than when Mr Obama took over as President. As much as some do not like to acknowledge it, stock market has increased, private sector employment has increased, unnecessary and meaningless wars are ending, health care coverage has expanded, and people's taxes have come down all under Mr Obama's administration (even with the best efforts of the Republicant Party's to actively sabotage USA).

    Yes much more has to be done to get USA back to the meeting its promise of benefiting all people. Vote for your own best self interest.

    Two Purple Hearts, thank you.

    Ema Nymton

  12. Ema Nymton- Who's this self-righteous psycho???? I bet it's just some kind of 'shill', serving no other purpose but to stir things up. If not, someone needs to remind her or INFORM her that when we refer to the 'Five Trillion Dollar Man' we're not refering to to a TV show but to her hero's mad plunge into indebtedness, never before realized since the founding of the Republic, to create his FALSE ECONOMY! This is the type of naivety and gullibility we will be facing (fighting) come November. Liberals would be laughable but for the fact that they interferre with REAL progress and they walk among US.

  13. Damn! I leave the area to go to the tactical range and 30 minutes later y'all have done got knee-deep in a shit storm.
    Ema: two Purple Hearts and you haven't learned a damn thing, have you? Suggestion -- go back up to the top and read DD's post, then give it a WHOLE LOT of thought and DEEP consideration. Then continue readiing the comments posted and do the same thing. I don't know what world people like you live in, but me and mine DAMNED SURE DON'T WANT TO and we're SURE AS HELL NOT GOING TO. That's not a threat... THAT'S A PROMISE!

    1. .

      "... people like you live in, but me and mine DAMNED SURE DON'T WANT TO and we're SURE AS HELL NOT GOING TO."

      Taking you up on your promise. As Mr Obama _is_ President of USA and you are living in USA, does this not mean you will carry out your promise 'not going to' live. Please hurry. Will US be able to watch you on U-TUBE sucking on your stick as you do yourself in?

      A man is only as good as his word.

      Ema Nymton

    2. Sorry, Enema Nymrod.. oops... too many letters in your name, there?... you must've taken it the wrong way. I wasn't taught how to die for my country; I was taught how to make the other guy die for his... and I can guaran-damn-tee you that I can STILL do THAT.
      It's possible it could be on YouTube (not U-TUBE, dumbass) when WE start kicking ass and taking names... but if that's really a picture of you on your profile page, I doubt you got that much longer in this world to see it (sorta looks like you were the pivot point for an Ontos.)
      AND, if that's really you in that picture, you probably don't have a clue what you're looking at. Those are the names of men who died for the American flag. Some of those names are men that I lived with, shared rations and ammo with, knew and loved more than my own blood brother. And it REALLY pisses me off that they allow people like you to walk the grounds that those names have been given to rest on. They, or any veteran I know, never fought for Socialism.
      Take your trash talk and shove it, or I can do it for you. Cause I don't care if it's a six hundred pound gorilla giving me a ration of shit, I can STILL do it.
      You got my word on that.

  14. "The Maggot went to Afghanistan"

    By the way DD, I've been meaning to talk to you about the disrespect that you have been showing toward maggots lately.................

  15. Ema, why would I want to manage my anger when it come to telling off a MAGGOT like you? ( My apologies to all the maggots).

    And you know what, you are right, America is not ruined, it's fucked up,since the Dog Eater in Chief and his Moocher of a wife have been in charge! And hopefully the rest of the world will stop laughing at us when this lying arrogant & stupid Socialist Hussein Obama and all of his Communist friends are thrown out of Our White House.

  16. WOW Debonair Dude, don't you know that it's not nice to to insult a African American, I mean a African just African(... even if he's selling-out AMERICA. Obama can stick his socialist agenda where the Sun don't shine, We real AMERICANS will never let a mistake like this happen again. I don't care if Obama's skin is colored hot pink, he's flat out ruining the country.
    He failed miserably. And don’t give me any of that “It’s not his fault. It’s all Bush’s fault, he inherited this mess”! Crap.

    By the way, I salute your honesty. God bless you!

  17. Lets not have four more years of seeing truth, justice, and the American way going down the toilet and get this racist, Islamic, communist, affirmative action putz out of office. And take Meecheelle the Moocher with him.

  18. Well, I guess that we can forget Ema sharing any of her dog meat or insect recipes.

  19. Thanks for the pic of Ronald Reagan up top. :-) I'll be back.

  20. .

    Yes, DD's and fellow knuckle dragers response - name call,yadda, yadda, yadda, name call, gibberish, name call, drool, yadda, yadda, soil self, name call, hate, name call.

    So are you really going to vote for Mr Romney? After all is said and done, Mr Romney is _NOT_ uppity, is that right?

    Ema Nymton

  21. Okay, troops... before I put Miss Ema on the back burner and get on with a comment for DD, here's something to consider:
    First -- has anyone looked at her blogger profile? Seems the only blog she follows is one with a Communist/Socialist/Marxist agenda (imagine that!)
    Second -- just out of idle curiosity, Miss Ema, which war(s) did you get your two Purple Hearts in?
    Moving right along, I thought it was sorta ironic how the past few post have this really great picture of one of the best US presidents we've ever had at the top; then, right under Reagan, there's been a picture of this faggot, no-load, cheapassed Chicago-type gangsta (got the proof, baby!) Communist, Socialist, Marxist, limp-wristed little shit head that the best part of him ran down his momma's leg. Talk about pictures of contrast, you got it nailed, DD!

  22. Goo d Call Marine4ever

    "Rise up Voices! ...Speak Truth to Power... Bark Orders at Justice" MY ASS!

  23. A "gutsy" call in his mind only.. Oh excuse me, in the minds of all the Liberals, Progressives and the rest of the people in the insane asylums.

  24. M4e,

    Your obvservation, with respect to the pictures, is quite telling. It's a true exercise in contrasts; the best President in my lifetime (top), the poorest excuse for whatever (think pseudo president) beneath. It's ironic, in deed, that the young "skulls of mush" who, apparently, still support the latter are the ones who will suffer most from his misfeasance!
