I'm know as The Debonair Dude, the Administrator of the Blog "Our World As We See It" .An Interactive Community Dedicated to the Free and Open Exchange of Ideas and of opinions. ... Our motto here is “The truth shall set you free”
As they say, “the truth shall set you free” so in my blog I'll let you know exactly what's on my mind. I don't play the PC game, If you want my opinion, I’m here to give you exactly that, so be very careful what you ask for, because you might get what you asked for.
This forum is very general, it has subjects from Humor to Politics, Trivia, Sports, News. Entertainment, Current Events and anything else that maybe on your mind.This blog will tell you my why I believe Barack Hussein Obama is the worst and the most incompetent President the USA has ever seen.
As they say, “the truth shall set you free” so in my blog I'll let you know exactly what's on my mind. I don't play the PC game, If you want my opinion, I’m here to give you exactly that, so be very careful what you ask for, because you might get what you asked for.
This forum is very general, it has subjects from Humor to Politics, Trivia, Sports, News. Entertainment, Current Events and anything else that maybe on your mind.This blog will tell you my why I believe Barack Hussein Obama is the worst and the most incompetent President the USA has ever seen.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Obama, The American President with the Shortest List Of Accomplishments".
A list of political correctness, welfare, food stamps, never-ending unemployment benefits, labor union control, globalism, wealth redistribution, restrictions of free speech a strangulation of business and punishment of prosperity, steering America into a second Great Depression, calling the Tea Party racist’s and radical’s, taking sides with the radical Muslim Brotherhood, Promising to close Gitmo, failing to do so punishment through taxation. to his handling of the Syrian crisis, and of course Benghazi.
But there is no doubt he will either deny that anything has failed that, and will resort to his favorite tactic of blaming others from George Bush to Rush Limbaugh.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
The Damage Has Already Been Done!
It took Obama six days to renew his calls for a ban on guns in the aftermath of the movie theater murders in Aurora, Colo. Following is an excerpt from his comments to the National Urban League, and it took him only one day after yesterdays tragedy at the Naval Yard in Washington DC.
I, like most Americans that hold our constitution dear to us , believe that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual the right to bear arms. I also believe in the Bill of Rights!
and, THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS, The Second Amendment to the Constitution guarantees Americans the right to bear arms. Many Americans believe that without weapons they would be powerless if the government tried to overstep its powers and rule by force. Or if they or their family are confronted by Hoodlums or Criminal either in the Streets or in their own homes.
Barry seems to have no clue that the main purpose of gun ownership is for Protection for one’s Life & ones Property !!!
If Obama feels so strongly that guns belong ONLY in the hands of law enforcement officers and soldiers not criminals, then why weren’t the thousands of assault rifles that were sold to the most violent and dangerous drug cartels in this hemisphere sold to the Mexican military instead? Once again we backed the wrong side!
Obama is the most narcissistic, the most incompetent, and dangerous chief executive our country has ever had ever to occupy our White House.. He makes Jimmy Carter appear brilliant, sane and coherent.
Hanoi John Kerry who was the worst imaginable candidate for any office but who nominated and appointed away, said in his impassioned speech on last week that Assad was a “thug” and a "monster", and that his action could not go unpunished. The president then not only embarrassed Kerry by postponing action before even conferring with him, but put on hold all in his administration who were getting ready to gather support for a strike, which, as the president said, did not require any vote by Congress. Yet he has now asked for a vote, one in which he has no assurance that he can win. He has opponents on both the Republican and Democratic side of the aisle, and they might very well have enough votes to go against his stated desire that a strike against Syria be taken. But luckily was saved by the Former Head of the Russian KGB! An embarrassment to say the least. In the end, should he lose and it turns out that he was scammed by the Russians, it will not only be a further humiliation, but a damaging setback for the reputation and word of the United States. Our enemies throughout the world such as Iran and North Korea will be waiting in anticipation for such a failure. Already, celebrations are in from Syria, which has declared that their regime has already won. By delaying any action for what could be two weeks or more, Obama has given Assad even more time to assure that if a strike comes, it will not harm any of his troops, their weapons and their troops have been given plenty of time to be hid.
Let me end by saying that in a civilized society murder is not committed by law abiding licensed Gun Owners, but by felonious criminals who will obtain a Gun no matter how many laws are on the books. Criminals do NOT obey laws, background checks or what not!
I, like most Americans that hold our constitution dear to us , believe that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual the right to bear arms. I also believe in the Bill of Rights!
and, THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS, The Second Amendment to the Constitution guarantees Americans the right to bear arms. Many Americans believe that without weapons they would be powerless if the government tried to overstep its powers and rule by force. Or if they or their family are confronted by Hoodlums or Criminal either in the Streets or in their own homes.
Barry seems to have no clue that the main purpose of gun ownership is for Protection for one’s Life & ones Property !!!
If Obama feels so strongly that guns belong ONLY in the hands of law enforcement officers and soldiers not criminals, then why weren’t the thousands of assault rifles that were sold to the most violent and dangerous drug cartels in this hemisphere sold to the Mexican military instead? Once again we backed the wrong side!
Obama is the most narcissistic, the most incompetent, and dangerous chief executive our country has ever had ever to occupy our White House.. He makes Jimmy Carter appear brilliant, sane and coherent.
Hanoi John Kerry who was the worst imaginable candidate for any office but who nominated and appointed away, said in his impassioned speech on last week that Assad was a “thug” and a "monster", and that his action could not go unpunished. The president then not only embarrassed Kerry by postponing action before even conferring with him, but put on hold all in his administration who were getting ready to gather support for a strike, which, as the president said, did not require any vote by Congress. Yet he has now asked for a vote, one in which he has no assurance that he can win. He has opponents on both the Republican and Democratic side of the aisle, and they might very well have enough votes to go against his stated desire that a strike against Syria be taken. But luckily was saved by the Former Head of the Russian KGB! An embarrassment to say the least. In the end, should he lose and it turns out that he was scammed by the Russians, it will not only be a further humiliation, but a damaging setback for the reputation and word of the United States. Our enemies throughout the world such as Iran and North Korea will be waiting in anticipation for such a failure. Already, celebrations are in from Syria, which has declared that their regime has already won. By delaying any action for what could be two weeks or more, Obama has given Assad even more time to assure that if a strike comes, it will not harm any of his troops, their weapons and their troops have been given plenty of time to be hid.
Let me end by saying that in a civilized society murder is not committed by law abiding licensed Gun Owners, but by felonious criminals who will obtain a Gun no matter how many laws are on the books. Criminals do NOT obey laws, background checks or what not!
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Some Days Go Just Right, and Other Just Don't!
It looks like the Nobel Prize winner turned out to be a War Monger . But a bad one!
The War Monger Obama goes ahead and shows the enemy his hand. What he will do, when he will do it and how he will do it. How clever can this Dunce be?
Since when does anyone eliminate the element of surprise?
To bad the Japanese didn't let us know all those details before attacking Pearl Harbor! If Obama struck 2 weeks ago without warning maybe the attack would have had some teeth in it, but NOW? Who is he fooling? And he knows damn well that he screwed up so now he’s laying the responsibility off on Congress, as well as the rest of the world for his stupid RED LINE comment.
And once again our President is getting schooled and lectured in front of our enemies and the rest of the world and shown just how ignorant, feckless, weak and inept a leader he is. . And that is more dangerous to us than the chemical weapons in Syria is to us. Ah, but General Motors is Alive!
You can say that Putin is a lot of things, but he is not stupid.
You Liberals have to be kicking your selves in the ass, how can this be happening? We’ve gone from no jobs, to record deficits to the disaster of Obamacare, the Benghazi lies and cover up to the IRS targets, the Associated Press phone records leak investigation, the Eric Holder perjury, and Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice’s cover up. and now this! I'd bet that the liberals are not happy campers right now. And on top of all that, George Zimmerman was found to be Not Guilty! I guess that I can't blame them....... But isn’t that special!
I’m thinking that I’d like a Chick-Fil-A sandwich for lunch today.
The War Monger Obama goes ahead and shows the enemy his hand. What he will do, when he will do it and how he will do it. How clever can this Dunce be?
Since when does anyone eliminate the element of surprise?
To bad the Japanese didn't let us know all those details before attacking Pearl Harbor! If Obama struck 2 weeks ago without warning maybe the attack would have had some teeth in it, but NOW? Who is he fooling? And he knows damn well that he screwed up so now he’s laying the responsibility off on Congress, as well as the rest of the world for his stupid RED LINE comment.
And once again our President is getting schooled and lectured in front of our enemies and the rest of the world and shown just how ignorant, feckless, weak and inept a leader he is. . And that is more dangerous to us than the chemical weapons in Syria is to us. Ah, but General Motors is Alive!
You can say that Putin is a lot of things, but he is not stupid.
You Liberals have to be kicking your selves in the ass, how can this be happening? We’ve gone from no jobs, to record deficits to the disaster of Obamacare, the Benghazi lies and cover up to the IRS targets, the Associated Press phone records leak investigation, the Eric Holder perjury, and Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice’s cover up. and now this! I'd bet that the liberals are not happy campers right now. And on top of all that, George Zimmerman was found to be Not Guilty! I guess that I can't blame them....... But isn’t that special!
I’m thinking that I’d like a Chick-Fil-A sandwich for lunch today.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Barack Hussein Obama Warmonger!
Most of us can remember how the King of America was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize literally for doing nothing but being the first “African-American President” But things have changed drastically since then.
Boy, you gotta admire that President Obama, he must have that Bashar al-Assad the Syrian president shaking in his boots by now.
Obama is Hell-bent on attacking Syria, and he let the whole world know it.
He told them that on NO uncertain terms and that’s another way of saying in a strong and direct way that We WILL attack you!
However, it may be tomorrow, but no that’s the Jewish Holidays, so maybe it wll be next week, but no the Congress is still on vacation. So maybe when they come back we will discuss it and see what they say. I just have to get approval and pass it through the proper channels. But let me be very clear, we WILL attack you! I made a decision, and I’m going to stick by it.
But let me make it clear, we WILL take military action, but it won’t include any Boots on the Ground. And oh yeah, it will only be for about one or two days at the most. And oh yeah, we will be very careful and only aim for Military targets, so don’t worry about us hurting anybody.
Just remember how I got Osama bin Ladin, and you think about that before you kill anymore women and children with your chemical weapons. BUT, and this is a BIG BUT, if the Congress does not approve, then all bets are off!
And when I’m done with you, I’m going to secure the border by Mexico, and then Close Guantanamo Bay! Now go eat your Baba Ganoush!
Boy, you gotta admire that President Obama, he must have that Bashar al-Assad the Syrian president shaking in his boots by now.
Obama is Hell-bent on attacking Syria, and he let the whole world know it.
He told them that on NO uncertain terms and that’s another way of saying in a strong and direct way that We WILL attack you!
However, it may be tomorrow, but no that’s the Jewish Holidays, so maybe it wll be next week, but no the Congress is still on vacation. So maybe when they come back we will discuss it and see what they say. I just have to get approval and pass it through the proper channels. But let me be very clear, we WILL attack you! I made a decision, and I’m going to stick by it.
But let me make it clear, we WILL take military action, but it won’t include any Boots on the Ground. And oh yeah, it will only be for about one or two days at the most. And oh yeah, we will be very careful and only aim for Military targets, so don’t worry about us hurting anybody.
Just remember how I got Osama bin Ladin, and you think about that before you kill anymore women and children with your chemical weapons. BUT, and this is a BIG BUT, if the Congress does not approve, then all bets are off!
And when I’m done with you, I’m going to secure the border by Mexico, and then Close Guantanamo Bay! Now go eat your Baba Ganoush!
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Obama Says, “I Have Not Yet Made A Decision On Syria”
WHAT? He Hasn't Made A Decision On Syria Yet?
Then what the HELL was all that talk about the U.S. Military is moving cruise missiles into position for a possible strike against Syrian, that we heard about all week!
Was that just a Dress Rehearsal?
Did the “Great One” REALLY think that he would get Assad's regime to back down with a empty threat like that?
Was the stupid threat supposed to be a message Assad and than would be enough to topple him or cripple him?
Last week he said there will be no boots on the ground... mainly cruise missile attacks.
And now it looks like there will be no cruise missiles either, only threats, or perhaps more sanctions! Yeah that will go far!
Then what the HELL was all that talk about the U.S. Military is moving cruise missiles into position for a possible strike against Syrian, that we heard about all week!
Was that just a Dress Rehearsal?
Did the “Great One” REALLY think that he would get Assad's regime to back down with a empty threat like that?
Was the stupid threat supposed to be a message Assad and than would be enough to topple him or cripple him?
Last week he said there will be no boots on the ground... mainly cruise missile attacks.
And now it looks like there will be no cruise missiles either, only threats, or perhaps more sanctions! Yeah that will go far!
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
How about the Progressive’s running around exhibiting an attitude of superior holier than thou with their Reverse Racism Nincompoopery?
Starting with Obama and his insane defense of his buddy Henry Louis Gates Jr being SO sensitive that he called the police “Stupid”!
As a white American, I’ve had it with these White Liberals, and these Black Race baiters like Oprah plugging her new movie by calling a Swedish Salesperson a RACIST.
Oprah Winfrey the queen of giving away other peoples money, has decided to call a store clerk in Switzerland racist for refusing to show Oprah a $38,000 pocketbook.
And absurdly comparing the George Zimmerman self defense incident when he was violently attacked by Trayvon Martin to the murder of Emmett Till, or the dragging of James Byrd, Jr. in a pickup truck.
When the New Black Panther Party put out flyers offering a $10,000 reward Wanting George Zimmerman Dead or Alive, that was acceptable to the Black community wasn’t it!
And when Trayvon Martin's girlfriend Precious, the most articulate, Intellectual, lying bitch witness since Mike Tyson took the stand and made a mockery our of the American Court system, and used the term "Creepy ass Cracker" , I guess that wasn’t a racist remark? Or was it?
If Al Sharpton and the rest of the race baiters hadn’t jumped all over this story and if the Black Panthers and Barrack Obama hadn’t put their ugly noses in it, it would have been a NON story, just like the 100's of other Black who get shot and killed in Chicago every single year.
Why do black folks feel the need to defend this imbecile? Nobody with a brain would consider her to be worthy of an honest testimony.
One week after a jury acquitted George Zimmerman in the death of Trayvon Martin, dozens of Blacks protested outside the Federal Building in Government Center, holding signs and speaking out against racial inequality and what they see as a broken justice system. Some voiced opposition to “stand your ground” laws, which do not require potential crime victims to retreat if they have a safe escape route, and instead allow them to use deadly force.
The demonstration was just one of a series of “Justice for Trayvon” rallies held across the country organized by. Al Sharpton demanding that civil rights charges be brought against Zimmerman, and the Liberal Hollywood crowd started by Stevie Wonder and Spoke Lee as well as others including Kanye West joined in by saying they would Boycott the State of Floridia by refusing to go there to entertain. And by the way, It should be pointed out that Stevie Wonder lives in California which has a Stand your Ground law as well as Florida.
Rapper Kanye West said "George Bush doesn't care about black people," because of Katrina.
And to take the cake, what they did to Paula Deen is disgusting, and SO un-American, that it’s a crime. She was found Guilty and almost stoned to death and got fired for saying something 30 years ago which proves we are living in an age of black privilege.
I guess that nothing is more dangerous in this country as using the dreaded “N” word, of course unless a Black person uses it. Her many, many apologies didn’t mean a damn thing. The lady told the truth under oath, she made a mistake and apologized! It time that these race baiters and these liberal PC assholes quit slaughtering easy prey and go after these black brothas and sisters who make a zillion dollar a year in that stupid no talent Hip/hop and Rap world who are intentionally capitalizing on undermining your very own race by regularly using the "N" word and many other denigrating characterizations of black stereotypes. Why don't you hold them to the same politically correct standard? Because their black? No need to answer that, we already know the answer. it’s plain and simple the media has a double standard when it comes to Liberals and Blacks..
The fact is, that Trayvon wasn’t killed because he was a thug or a drug addict, or because Zimmerman got out of his truck, or for any other dumb PC excuse. He was killed because he was smashing Zimmerman’s head against the concrete sidewalk. If he were doing that to me and I had a gun, I would have shot him also.
Starting with Obama and his insane defense of his buddy Henry Louis Gates Jr being SO sensitive that he called the police “Stupid”!
As a white American, I’ve had it with these White Liberals, and these Black Race baiters like Oprah plugging her new movie by calling a Swedish Salesperson a RACIST.
Oprah Winfrey the queen of giving away other peoples money, has decided to call a store clerk in Switzerland racist for refusing to show Oprah a $38,000 pocketbook.
And absurdly comparing the George Zimmerman self defense incident when he was violently attacked by Trayvon Martin to the murder of Emmett Till, or the dragging of James Byrd, Jr. in a pickup truck.
When the New Black Panther Party put out flyers offering a $10,000 reward Wanting George Zimmerman Dead or Alive, that was acceptable to the Black community wasn’t it!
And when Trayvon Martin's girlfriend Precious, the most articulate, Intellectual, lying bitch witness since Mike Tyson took the stand and made a mockery our of the American Court system, and used the term "Creepy ass Cracker" , I guess that wasn’t a racist remark? Or was it?
If Al Sharpton and the rest of the race baiters hadn’t jumped all over this story and if the Black Panthers and Barrack Obama hadn’t put their ugly noses in it, it would have been a NON story, just like the 100's of other Black who get shot and killed in Chicago every single year.
Why do black folks feel the need to defend this imbecile? Nobody with a brain would consider her to be worthy of an honest testimony.
One week after a jury acquitted George Zimmerman in the death of Trayvon Martin, dozens of Blacks protested outside the Federal Building in Government Center, holding signs and speaking out against racial inequality and what they see as a broken justice system. Some voiced opposition to “stand your ground” laws, which do not require potential crime victims to retreat if they have a safe escape route, and instead allow them to use deadly force.
The demonstration was just one of a series of “Justice for Trayvon” rallies held across the country organized by. Al Sharpton demanding that civil rights charges be brought against Zimmerman, and the Liberal Hollywood crowd started by Stevie Wonder and Spoke Lee as well as others including Kanye West joined in by saying they would Boycott the State of Floridia by refusing to go there to entertain. And by the way, It should be pointed out that Stevie Wonder lives in California which has a Stand your Ground law as well as Florida.
Rapper Kanye West said "George Bush doesn't care about black people," because of Katrina.
And to take the cake, what they did to Paula Deen is disgusting, and SO un-American, that it’s a crime. She was found Guilty and almost stoned to death and got fired for saying something 30 years ago which proves we are living in an age of black privilege.
I guess that nothing is more dangerous in this country as using the dreaded “N” word, of course unless a Black person uses it. Her many, many apologies didn’t mean a damn thing. The lady told the truth under oath, she made a mistake and apologized! It time that these race baiters and these liberal PC assholes quit slaughtering easy prey and go after these black brothas and sisters who make a zillion dollar a year in that stupid no talent Hip/hop and Rap world who are intentionally capitalizing on undermining your very own race by regularly using the "N" word and many other denigrating characterizations of black stereotypes. Why don't you hold them to the same politically correct standard? Because their black? No need to answer that, we already know the answer. it’s plain and simple the media has a double standard when it comes to Liberals and Blacks..
The fact is, that Trayvon wasn’t killed because he was a thug or a drug addict, or because Zimmerman got out of his truck, or for any other dumb PC excuse. He was killed because he was smashing Zimmerman’s head against the concrete sidewalk. If he were doing that to me and I had a gun, I would have shot him also.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
What More Can Paula Deen Do To Be Forgiven?
What is happening to Paula Deen is disgusting, and SO UN-AMERICAN. . For using a single stupid world 30 years ago, she's being destroyed. What kind of shit is this? We're going to destroy a person who has been a Icon in this country for a lifetime! It's not right.
It's TIME to back up our freedom of speech with our support. Who knows you or I may be savagely destroyed next! Don't think it can't happen, think again!.
The media doesn't say shit about all the racism coming from the Black Entertainment world! Why Not? Did you ever hear these Holier than Thou Liberal Entertainers say a word about the REAL racist’s like Robert Byrd, William Fullbright, or Al Gore, Sr. ? Or those Black Racist SOB’s Harry Belefonte, Jamie Foxx, Opah, Spike Lee, Morgen Freemen, Whoopi Goldberg, Danny Glover. and the list goes on and on.
Lets not stand by and put up with this shit! These Progressives don’t, why should we?
Buy her books, Protest in the streets! Tell your friends how you feel, don't be afraid of hurting their Liberal feelings. Why should she have to continue to suffer for one mistake she made half of a lifetime ago.
We are supposed to a forgiving society! Do we only forgive when it suits "THEIR" purpose. Was HER begging for forgiveness, not enough?
This whole thing is absurd. Blacks use the word all the time, yet non-blacks are not supposed to use it at all.. That's B.S..
The Constitution says: "The Freedom of Speech shall not be abridged." Abridged meaning: shortened or curtailed. If you don't like what someone says, walk away or turn the channel.
We're better then what they are doing to this Women. And they say they want Civility, and Tolerance and to stop Bullying ? How about start right here, it’s time to fight for freedom of speech. Fight for it or lose it all.
We live in a country where the biggest concern for most Americans is who is going to win American Idol, and no one give a crap about anybody else. Especially a Older White Southern Women, who used the dreaded “N” word 30 years ago. .
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Someone finally grew a pair!
Someone finally showed these Race Baiting Pimps the Back Door.
The Florida Sheriff told these Stupid Hollywood A-Holes where to go and he closed the door on the way out.. This guy who refused to be bulldozed by a band of black-mailers, and race hustlers declined his Invitation to Attend NAACP "Banquet" I guess that's what they call a meeting where they throw insults at people they disagree with.
But this time they picked on the wrong guy... Sheriff Mike Scott of Lee County Florida blasted the NAACP for ignoring black on black violence but making a national commotion over the Zimmerman trial.. There needs to be a whole lot more folks start exposing the race baiters for what they are. Lets hope that some others grow a pair and follow his example!!
PS....And of course the NAACP called him a "Racist."
The Florida Sheriff told these Stupid Hollywood A-Holes where to go and he closed the door on the way out.. This guy who refused to be bulldozed by a band of black-mailers, and race hustlers declined his Invitation to Attend NAACP "Banquet" I guess that's what they call a meeting where they throw insults at people they disagree with.
But this time they picked on the wrong guy... Sheriff Mike Scott of Lee County Florida blasted the NAACP for ignoring black on black violence but making a national commotion over the Zimmerman trial.. There needs to be a whole lot more folks start exposing the race baiters for what they are. Lets hope that some others grow a pair and follow his example!!
PS....And of course the NAACP called him a "Racist."
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Zimmerman, Double Standard? You can bet your ass it is.
The George Zimmerman trial is over, and a jury declared him not guilty by reason of self-defense. But now the emotional aftermath is presenting a rare opportunity to address a set of facts President Barack Obama would rather not have as part of the conversation.
President Obama said, “There are very few African-American men in this country who haven’t had the experience of being followed when they are shopping at a department store—and that includes me.”
Well isn’t that the cats pajammies. Our president has already taken sides and now has the Justice Department investigating to see whether Zimmerman can be prosecuted for hate crimes. So it’s a If we can’t lynch him on one thing, we will on another time of thing. Isn't that kind of double jeopardy? Or doesn’t the law count when it come to lynching a “White Boy’ who happens to be Hispanic, but does that even matter when it come to these Race Pimps? Or isn’t it It's not double jeopardy if Zippy says it isn’t . And Should Eric Holder prosecute George Zimmerman on a civil rights charge? When a move like that would be all about race and politics and very little about the merits of the case, because we all know that the FBI had already loomed in the race factor and found NONE. But the president says racial profiling is to blame. and who is going to argue with the president? Maybe it’s time the president notices that realized that everything he says is all about race. And now all the Black entertainers, like Stevie Wonder, etc.. are saying that they are going to BOYCOTT Florida because of their “Stand your Ground Law”. The issue here isn’t just whether Stand Your Ground works for blacks. The issue here is whether is works for blacks when the black person is the victim or a white person is the perpetrator.
Most of the Black people killed in Chicago or in other inner-cities were young Black males. In fact nation wide its mostly Black boys and Men being killed by other Black boys and men. While Trayvon’s murder was sad. Is it worse then a baby who was shot while in her teen aged fathers lap? Or black children are killed by flying bullets while that are playing in a Playground. Or how about that the young girls death who was killed going home after performing at the Presidents re-election celebration when he won the second time.
Wheńs the last time you heard a black leader condemn any of those events?
And now we see a Juror back tacking on her decision. Well isn’t that just peachy! Who forced her to vote the way she did in the first place? Dis anyone put a gun to her head to force her to make that decision? She said that she "felt" that Zimmerman was guilty, but was forced to actually look at the evidence, and decide on that basis. That’s what juries are for, sweetheart... it’s not about your feelings. No one asked you about "your feelings" Its ALL about "evidence".. How can any person with an once of brains say that with a straight face that they "know" that a person intended to kill someone when there is absolutely NO evidence to prove it and all true evidence shows the person was defending himself? Either this woman is lying to protect herself and make some money on the side or she has been indoctrinated into believing the lies of the media spin and the massive peer pressure being put on her by her community. Even though she admits there is no proof, and NO evidence for her to make that assumption this is nothing more than her opinion!
Either way, she is doing herself a real disservice to the country in the long run. OR did someone get to her? And isn’t it funny that she was the ONLY Black person on the jury.
This Juror said "He Got Away with Murder" and she thought that Zimmerman was guilty. But when she was asked if she thought that the case should even have gone to trial ? She said, No, she didn't think so. Well Duh!
But when you really think about it, Juror B-29́s remarks make perfect sense. While all of the women jurors face being called racists, Juror #B-29, also known as Maddy, was the only non-white among them, didn’t want to be being branded a traitor to "thr people of color." or be call an “Aunt Jemima” She says "Zimmerman got away with murder," while admitting there was not enough evidence to convict. Well then there wasn’t enough evidence for her to come to that insane conclusion either. Her heartfelt sympathy with Trayvon Martińs Mother, or her emotions were not a good enough reason for her to say the stupid things that she said. And having 8 kids in 10 years kind of shows us that she’s not exactly the brightest bulb in the chandelier. What a disgrace to the the American judicial system this moron is.
If she or anyone else on that jury thought that Zimmerman was guilty then why couldn't they prove it? Or was it that SHE THOUGHT he was guilty and couldn't prove it because there was NO EVIDENCE to support her RACE-BAITING AGENDA. No surprises here. The law is a funny thing. There are some people who just chose to ignore it when it doesn’t suit them..
I have only one question, how did I know she would be the black?
It was recently reported that George Zimmerman, who has been in hiding since he was acquitted of murder in the death of Trayvon Martin, emerged to help rescue a family who was trapped in an overturned vehicle.. Some people such as Al Sharpton are saying that this was all staged to make Zimmerman out as a Hero. I ask you would they go so far as to turn a car with passengers in it completely up-side done to put on a show? And did they say that when CORRY BOOKER ran in to a burning building to save people when he was in the middle of an election campaign... TWICE?
Double Standard? You can bet your ass it is.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
“Soul-Searching”? I Don't Think So!
Obama has been so terrible as a President that half of America is getting sick of.
I thought President Obama's speech yesterday on race was pathetic.
The President's comments in this regard were repulsive. The Trayvon Martin affair WAS NOT a national tragedy, in fact it was far from it was far from it. There was NO need to call a press conference to stir up the already flames of racial tension. Al Sharpton has been doing a great job on that without the help of the President.
In times of national tragedy we expect our leaders to speak with insight, seriousness, and solemnity. The Trayvon Martin affair isn’t a national . Sure, it's always a tragedy when a 17 year old is killed. Nonetheless, Our Dear leader decided to discuss it yesterday and Obama’s remarks were what was expected. The part that struck me and most others was when he said:
“You know, when Trayvon Martin was first shot, I said that this could have been my son. Another way of saying that is Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago... One hast to wonder if Obama was also suspended from school or did he get arrested for getting caught with burglary tools and stolen jewelry? Was walking around getting into fights? Did he punch anyone, and tell them that they were going to die tonight? Or did he slam anyone’s head into concrete 35 years ago?
Obama apparently was chomping at the bit for an opportunity to lecture us about race.. This was the wrong event to use as liftoff for such a lecture. If young black men areńt to be considered a possible safety threat, then young black men are the only ones who can change that perception.
Obama also lectured us on race when he said that “very few African-American men haven’t had the experience of being watched closely in a department store or hearing car door locks click as they approach”.
Obama then called for “all of us to do some soul-searching” in the aftermath of the Zimmerman trial. SOUL-SEARCHING? I don’t have anything in MY “Soul” that needs “SEARCHING” How about "waking up" to the FACT that we have over 4 very HUGE scandals on the burner right now at this very moment. The IRS scandal, the Benghazi scandal, the AP scandal, and the telephone scandal, let alone the problems in Egypt, Israel, Syria, , North Korea, and the President want to talk about Trayvon Martin.
Or why isn't Obama talking about that Muslim Hasan, the killer of 13 servicemen and 32 injured, the the Fort Hood massacre that Obama labeled “workplace violence” rather than terrorism.”! Or was this whole speech another distraction form these scandals? I wouldn’t put that past him.
We have 100's and 100's of our service men getting killed over in that shit hole called Afghanistan and we need Rev. Al Sharpton, and Barack Obama to call for 100's of protests when a man was found to be NOT GUILTY by the best court system in the world?
So if there is any “soul-searching” to be done, it’s HIS!
I thought President Obama's speech yesterday on race was pathetic.
The President's comments in this regard were repulsive. The Trayvon Martin affair WAS NOT a national tragedy, in fact it was far from it was far from it. There was NO need to call a press conference to stir up the already flames of racial tension. Al Sharpton has been doing a great job on that without the help of the President.
In times of national tragedy we expect our leaders to speak with insight, seriousness, and solemnity. The Trayvon Martin affair isn’t a national . Sure, it's always a tragedy when a 17 year old is killed. Nonetheless, Our Dear leader decided to discuss it yesterday and Obama’s remarks were what was expected. The part that struck me and most others was when he said:
“You know, when Trayvon Martin was first shot, I said that this could have been my son. Another way of saying that is Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago... One hast to wonder if Obama was also suspended from school or did he get arrested for getting caught with burglary tools and stolen jewelry? Was walking around getting into fights? Did he punch anyone, and tell them that they were going to die tonight? Or did he slam anyone’s head into concrete 35 years ago?
Obama apparently was chomping at the bit for an opportunity to lecture us about race.. This was the wrong event to use as liftoff for such a lecture. If young black men areńt to be considered a possible safety threat, then young black men are the only ones who can change that perception.
Obama also lectured us on race when he said that “very few African-American men haven’t had the experience of being watched closely in a department store or hearing car door locks click as they approach”.
Obama then called for “all of us to do some soul-searching” in the aftermath of the Zimmerman trial. SOUL-SEARCHING? I don’t have anything in MY “Soul” that needs “SEARCHING” How about "waking up" to the FACT that we have over 4 very HUGE scandals on the burner right now at this very moment. The IRS scandal, the Benghazi scandal, the AP scandal, and the telephone scandal, let alone the problems in Egypt, Israel, Syria, , North Korea, and the President want to talk about Trayvon Martin.
Or why isn't Obama talking about that Muslim Hasan, the killer of 13 servicemen and 32 injured, the the Fort Hood massacre that Obama labeled “workplace violence” rather than terrorism.”! Or was this whole speech another distraction form these scandals? I wouldn’t put that past him.
We have 100's and 100's of our service men getting killed over in that shit hole called Afghanistan and we need Rev. Al Sharpton, and Barack Obama to call for 100's of protests when a man was found to be NOT GUILTY by the best court system in the world?
So if there is any “soul-searching” to be done, it’s HIS!
Monday, July 15, 2013
Well It Started.
We saw no violence in this country when any other trial ended and the majority of the people didn’t agree wit it. The Casey Anthony case for example to mention one of the most recent. We were ALWAYS very proud of the discipline the people have shown no matter how the jury’s decision turned out.
There was no murder here. The case proved and the jury agreed that George Zimmerman killed Travon Martin in SELF DEFENSE
Maybe we were surprised, but the jury came to a verdict and we MUST respect that. When before in America did we act like uncivilized barbarians rioting in our cities, and cause violence and breaking into stores to “Get Stuff”.
No one knows what happened that night, but he the jurors have a pretty good picture of it. There was a lot of evidence: eyewitnesses, ear witnesses, forensics, clothing, photos, etc.. During the 4 minutes, it was Trayvon Martin that, instead of going home and staying alive, went back to take care of the "CREEPY AZZ CRACKER." This verdict was not just a "barely not proved beyond reasonable doubt." It was a resounding "innocent." Quit pandering by minimizing the no guilty verdict.
The press just wońt stop lying about George Zimmerman. If I hear one more word about his "poor judgment" or “if he didn’t follow him” oe “if he stayed in his car” I’m going to puke! Zimmerman wasn’t on reial for any of that. He was on reial for the event that followed all of that.
And what exactly did George Zimmerman do that showed poor judgment? He called the police and reported suspicious activity. He was a Neighborhood watchman and that was his job. He followed this “Child” because he looked suspicious and after 7 previous crimes in that neighborhood all by Young Black “Children” it was his job to check him out.
Trayvon Martin picked on the wrong "CREEPY-ASS CRACKER" and got himself shot to death that night. The press has been shamelessly making up lies and withholding evidence to make this man the Most Hated Man in America. And that my friend is not what we do in America.
Well, at least all of the new about Obama’s scandals have stopped making the headlines. I guess that Obama owes Al Sharpton one for that.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
It Ain't Over Til It's Over!

I applaud the jury, these ladies got it right and had the guts to say so. Hopefully, their lives wońt be disturbed by the leftist media and the Al Sharpton slobs who wanted to convict and lynch George Zimmerman before he even had a trial. The State’s false accusations were shameful. Even Obama and Holder threatened this man and made it clear that he would face civil rights violations if found NOT guilty . This the America we live in today. What a shame What a travesty of justice, but thats nothing new from this vile administration.
And this morning I heard that NY Giants Football player Victor Cruz tweeted that “Zimmerman wońt last a year before the hood catches up with him.” And that threat goes without reprisal? And the felt calls the Conservative party a party of hatred? Didn’t that read what I read?
All I know is that I was becoming sick to death hearing that same old crap about that “Black Innocent Child” who was unarmed and holding a bag of Skittles and Iced Tea! Not one world about finding Burglar Tools and stolen Jewelry on that “Black Innocent Child” who was thrown out of School the previous week or that his own Mother Kicked him out of the house that very week. The Leftist Media tried and convicted George Zimmerman on the first day and never stopped presenting him as a monster and Trayvon as a Little Black Angel Child, who was just walking in the rain with his Skittles and Iced Tea. And Zimmerman “Followed him and should have never gotten out of his car! Well folks, wake me up when you can show me that a Neighborhood Watch Man shouldn’t follow someone who didn’t belong in that community and was walking in the rain looking in windows etc. Isn’t that what a And to add to this miss justice, we now found that Eric Holder under the orders of the Obama administration sent crew ( foot-soldiers community organizers) down to Sanford Florida to help organize a Anti-Zimmerman rally along with Al Sharpton. Is anyone shocked? Why am I not surprised?
Neighborhood Watch Man is supposed to do?
It was reported Wednesday, according to documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, that from March 25 to April 12, CRS spent roughly $5,000 upon being deployed to Sanford to work marches, demonstrations, and rallies “related to the shooting and death of an African-American teen by a neighborhood watch captain.”
Friday, July 12, 2013
Zimmerman Trial Update.
In my mind as well as in many others George Zimmerman is innocent or should I say NOT GUILTY of the crime he is being tried for. . The evidence clearly shows this is true. The Prosecution’s case was so week that it’s almost a joke but this isn’t funny. Yet the liberal media and the liberal/progressive bloggers like this delusional UN-informed Dervish Sanders. And the Black community have already convicted him in their court of public opinion. The prosecution was grasping at straws and emotion in his summation. It is the prosecutions job to prove his case beyond a doubt. Especially when the illiterate nincompoop star witness for the prosecution Rachel Jeantel was proved to be to a retarded disaster, and was only able to speak in Ebonics !
The Blacks/Liberals/progressives have turned Trayvon into a saint and a martyr.
Just as I thought there already is a MOB of protesters yelling and screaming outside the court.
We are a nation of Rule of the Mob filled with lawless people and led by lawless leaders like Al Sharpton and his band of thugs. Zimmerman is the victim of a racist witch hunt. He never would have been charged with a crime had it not been for vile race-baiters, like Al Sharpton, the Black Panthers, Jesse Jackson. and aided by Barrack Hussein Obama, and Eric H. Holder
Makes me wonder is a white person has a chance in this jury system!
Monday, July 8, 2013
The Killing of Trayvon Martin, And Why I Think That George Zimmerman Will Walk!
I think that just about everybody in America knows the story about , George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer who shot and killed Trayvon Martin.
The “UNARMED BLACK “BOY” who was just walking around in the rain in a Gated Community with his “Skittles and Arizona Iced Tea. At first Zimmerman was NOT charged with any crime as the Sheriff believed George Zimmerman’s story. But
then came the racial firestorm! First by that Race Baiting Pimp Al Sharpton who threw the initial fuel on the fire, And then by that Saint King Samir Shabazz the head of New Black Panther’s. Who UNLAWFULLY put Zimmerman’s face on a “WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE” poster and offered a $10,000 bounty for Zimmerman’s “capture.”
“Wanted: Dead Or Alive” leaflets for George Zimmerman.
We saw that other Racist Pimp Spike Lee tweet and make public what he thought was Zimmerman’s home address.
George Zimmerman and his family had received so many death threats that they had to go into hiding for months in fear for their lives.
So with all the publicity from the Black community George Zimmerman was then Handcuffed and taken in and interrogated. The Sanford police and prosecutors concluded that Zimmerman acted in self-defense and had not committed a crime. So they let him go. Zimmerman told police that Trayvon Martin a Hooded 17 year old had been acting suspiciously that dark and rainy night, that he had followed Trayvon, and he had been knocked down and had his head smashed on the ground against a concrete sidewalk and, fearing for his life, pulled a licensed concealed handgun and shot him. And yes he was then brought before the Florida Grand Jury who called for his arrest. And eventually he was Arrested.
Now as the whole world is watching the trial unfold and as every day passes and more information is released, we are learning more and more about what took place that rainy night and the death of 17-year old Trayvon Martin who was “just walking with a can of Iced Tea and some Skittles”. And the death threats by the New Black Panther Party, Al Sharpton grabbing the news spotlight nightly and the Prosecution's lying witnesses. Especially that dumb Girl-friend of Trayvon Martin’s who was at first called the state’s most important and Star witness, that young Miami woman Rachel ‘Dee Dee Jeantel, the Beauty Queen who escaped from “The Biggest Looser”
who was supposedly on the phone with Trayvon Martin the entire time just before he was shot, and who is NOW Accused Of Lying Under Oath! And who refused to characterize the term “creepy-ass cracker” as racial or being an offensive term.
Someone ought to tell that to Paula Deen!
Well what can we expect when this whole case started out to be bias and prejudice right from the Get Go! When the President of the United States put his two cents into it saying “ HE FEELS FOR THE PARENTS OF THE SLAIN TEEN BECAUSE IF HE HAD A SON “HE WOULD LOOK LIKE TRAYVON” .
There are many angles to this story and in my belief George Zimmerman should have been charged at all. And guess what? We are seeing exactly that in the prosecution's week case against George Zimmerman
But the one thing that we DIDN’T hear was President Obama saying a word to cool the lynch-mob atmosphere created by his Black allies in a nation where he is the chief law enforcement officer of ALL the people....
So what will happen now if by and chance George Zimmerman is NOT found Guilty?
Can face the world, in a world where half of the Nation has already found him guilty and who wanted to lynch him even before he has a trial? Maybe he will have to go into hiding?...But in any case, ... life will never be what he had known it to be before ....
Our society don't really believe in the thought of "innocent until proven guilty"..not when it come to anything based on race... But we find the left crying racism all the time.
I say, “Free George Zimmerman & leave Paula Deen alone already” As for Paula Deen, Personally the whole thing is pretty stupid and another case of a Double Standard.
But in this man's opinion, The Prosecution doesn't really have any case at all, because George Zimmerman did in fact act in self-deference.
And that's why I Think That George Zimmerman will walk!
Saturday, July 6, 2013
George Zimmerman Guilty Of Murder?
Okay, okay, here’s the bottom line..
Why don’t we just end the Zimmerman trial right now, let's just find him GUILTY as Sin and Kill the bastard! Let's string him up in the streets and have a party!
Why don’t we save a lot of time and money and give these poor jurors a break in this hot weather and let them go home to their families. Lets face it, the dirty vile leftist news media and the progressive pigs have already found him guilty in the blogs, the BLACK TV analysts are all telling you about how George was TOLD NOT to follow the little Punk, so it doesn’t matter what happened afterwards, He followed the thug while he was just walking in a Hoodie with his Skiddles and Arizona Ices Tea like any other little punk who was High on Marijuana. There wasn’t any sing of his trying to do some looting, or vandalism, or any other kind of un-lawful activity! So lets just lynch Zimmerman right now and save us all the BS.
This is what we’re dealing with, this is what these leftist pigs ..
After all we heard Travon’s Girl friend Rachel ‘Dee Dee Jeantel, that Beauty Queen who escaped from “The Biggest Looser” tell us all the truth about what really happened!
We saw just how the justice system worked when the jury was stacked at the OJ trial. They didn’t bother to look at the facts then, why change?
Lets go ahead and just hand him over to the Black Panthers, putting him in jail will amount to the same thing anyway.
Did Zimmerman kill Martin because of his race or was Martin the aggressor and Zimmerman legally defended himself with lethal force? Or does it even matter?
And while we are at it, why don’t we hold a Public Stoning for Paula Deen. Lets not let her get away with using a racial slur 30 years ago. What the hell, we don’t need no Stinkin Southern White Women on our TV screens anyway! For God’s sake, she said “Nigga” we ain’t gonna let her get away with that, are we? I don’t give a Rat’s Ass where or when she grew up. Makes no friggen difference to me, she said “Nigga”! Period, Who care if it was 30 years ago? I don’t care if it was 60 years ago, she said it so let’s stone the bastard and lets put a burning tire around her as well.
I don’t need to know her explication I don’t want my kids to be exposed to that culture of racism or homophobia and religious
intolerance either! After all, this is 2013 and we GOT a Black President in the White House, that’s how far we have come, so lets no go back there into medieval times where people didn’t give a shit about each other..
Seriously I can see Africa from my window.
Why don’t we just end the Zimmerman trial right now, let's just find him GUILTY as Sin and Kill the bastard! Let's string him up in the streets and have a party!
Why don’t we save a lot of time and money and give these poor jurors a break in this hot weather and let them go home to their families. Lets face it, the dirty vile leftist news media and the progressive pigs have already found him guilty in the blogs, the BLACK TV analysts are all telling you about how George was TOLD NOT to follow the little Punk, so it doesn’t matter what happened afterwards, He followed the thug while he was just walking in a Hoodie with his Skiddles and Arizona Ices Tea like any other little punk who was High on Marijuana. There wasn’t any sing of his trying to do some looting, or vandalism, or any other kind of un-lawful activity! So lets just lynch Zimmerman right now and save us all the BS.
This is what we’re dealing with, this is what these leftist pigs ..
After all we heard Travon’s Girl friend Rachel ‘Dee Dee Jeantel, that Beauty Queen who escaped from “The Biggest Looser” tell us all the truth about what really happened!
We saw just how the justice system worked when the jury was stacked at the OJ trial. They didn’t bother to look at the facts then, why change?
Lets go ahead and just hand him over to the Black Panthers, putting him in jail will amount to the same thing anyway.
Did Zimmerman kill Martin because of his race or was Martin the aggressor and Zimmerman legally defended himself with lethal force? Or does it even matter?
And while we are at it, why don’t we hold a Public Stoning for Paula Deen. Lets not let her get away with using a racial slur 30 years ago. What the hell, we don’t need no Stinkin Southern White Women on our TV screens anyway! For God’s sake, she said “Nigga” we ain’t gonna let her get away with that, are we? I don’t give a Rat’s Ass where or when she grew up. Makes no friggen difference to me, she said “Nigga”! Period, Who care if it was 30 years ago? I don’t care if it was 60 years ago, she said it so let’s stone the bastard and lets put a burning tire around her as well.
I don’t need to know her explication I don’t want my kids to be exposed to that culture of racism or homophobia and religious
intolerance either! After all, this is 2013 and we GOT a Black President in the White House, that’s how far we have come, so lets no go back there into medieval times where people didn’t give a shit about each other..
Seriously I can see Africa from my window.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Does Paula Deen Really Have To Go On An Apology Tour?
Does Paula Deen Really Have To Go On An Apology Tour? NO!, she has no need to apologize for using a term used by blacks allover the air-waves on the streets, in the playgrounds and even on the stage in Concerts, in the Movies, Broadway show’s, Comedy acts, amongst themselves, and you name it.. When they ALL stop using that word, THEN, and only then they can complain about others using it Until then they and the rest of the media should stop this stupid whining, bitching, and moaning
Does Paula Deen Really Have To Go On An Apology Tour? NO! Especially NOT for something she had said over 30 years ago? Would people feel better if she said as a white woman raised in the south she never even thought about the word nigger? NO, that’s not what the South was like in those days.
Frankly, I am fed up with the crying and wringing of hands about it by Blacks and Whites as well! While blacks continue to Rap about it, Sing about it and call each other the same word. I’m just Fed up with double standards.
When the blacks stop using it, then everyone else might follow suit. Until then, ot’s just tough shit, deal with it. I never seem to hear any complaints about Blacks using the words “Cracker” or "Whitie"
This country has become Paranoid when it comes to Blacks and Muslims.
Does Paula Deen Really Have To Go On An Apology Tour? NO! Especially NOT for something she had said over 30 years ago? Would people feel better if she said as a white woman raised in the south she never even thought about the word nigger? NO, that’s not what the South was like in those days.
Frankly, I am fed up with the crying and wringing of hands about it by Blacks and Whites as well! While blacks continue to Rap about it, Sing about it and call each other the same word. I’m just Fed up with double standards.
When the blacks stop using it, then everyone else might follow suit. Until then, ot’s just tough shit, deal with it. I never seem to hear any complaints about Blacks using the words “Cracker” or "Whitie"
This country has become Paranoid when it comes to Blacks and Muslims.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
A Pricey Trip to Africa? So What?
I guess after all that Hard Work representing us so much on their 17 day Hawaiian vacation last Christmas and every other Christmas’s. They NEED to take this Africa vacation.
Come on now people how DARE you question the expense and timing of this Africa vacation. Just because it falls out at a time when there is so much heat on the White House sandals.
And by the way, just right after the African vacation comes the European tour vacation. I only hope that the Obama’s are going to have enough time to squeeze in their Maratha's Vineyard vacation!
Come on now people how DARE you question the expense and timing of this Africa vacation. Just because it falls out at a time when there is so much heat on the White House sandals.
And by the way, just right after the African vacation comes the European tour vacation. I only hope that the Obama’s are going to have enough time to squeeze in their Maratha's Vineyard vacation!
Monday, June 17, 2013
Obama’s Family Trip To Africa Will Cost Us $1000 Million Dollars!
This Trip Will Be The Most Expensive In Presidential History

Our School children will not be able to take a tour around the White House because of Obama’s sequestration, but Obama and his entire family will be touring Africa for the estimated price of somewhere around $100 million.
This “little” family jaunt will include the air transportation for 56 vehicles, 14 limousines to be used in a parade, trucks carrying bulletproof glass to install at hotels, two ambulances one for dealing with biological and chemical contaminants, and one with x-ray equipment, 100 Secret Service Agents for the first three cities on the itinerary, 65 agents at the fourth, and 80 to 100 more to guard the Obama family 24/7. Also a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier functioning as a hospital comes with the package, and fighter jets will patrol the area 24 hours a day, for everyday that they will be there..
On another thought, seriously, could this trip be a distraction to take the publićs attention away from the all the scandals.
Also, I wonder how much having more Security in Benghazi would have cost ?

Our School children will not be able to take a tour around the White House because of Obama’s sequestration, but Obama and his entire family will be touring Africa for the estimated price of somewhere around $100 million.
This “little” family jaunt will include the air transportation for 56 vehicles, 14 limousines to be used in a parade, trucks carrying bulletproof glass to install at hotels, two ambulances one for dealing with biological and chemical contaminants, and one with x-ray equipment, 100 Secret Service Agents for the first three cities on the itinerary, 65 agents at the fourth, and 80 to 100 more to guard the Obama family 24/7. Also a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier functioning as a hospital comes with the package, and fighter jets will patrol the area 24 hours a day, for everyday that they will be there..
This is another prime example of how out of touch, how unconcerned, and how indifferent our president is with average, hard working American people. And how Inept, Incompetent, and Arrogant he is. And this is who we have representing us? What an embarrassment!
Did you read that folks? Think about it, you are going to be paying $100 million for Obama and his family’s trip to Africa and you won't even get a Tee-shirt. I wonder how much Mooshelle’s wardrobe is going to cost us?On another thought, seriously, could this trip be a distraction to take the publićs attention away from the all the scandals.
Also, I wonder how much having more Security in Benghazi would have cost ?
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
What Has Happened to the Morality of the American Voters!
I remember as a child being taught that Americans
were a moral people. Our moral superiority was the reason we had won two
world wars, and why the rest of the world looked up to us.
How far we have fallen since then!.
It seems that character doesn't matter anymore in our choice of our elected officials.
I don’t understand the American voters anymore. Have we lost our sense of morals?
We have forgotten what it means to have character and morals?
seems to me that this all started with Bill Clinton and has gotten
worse and worse, to election a president who palled around with
Domestic Terrorists' and who sat in a Racist Church for 25 years And
now we have a Guy who photographed his personal parts and e-mailed it to
God only know how many women, and is not even ashamed to run for Mayor
for the biggest City in the World!
Despite a grand jury returning nine counts against Marion Barry, Mayor of Washington DC the jury found him guilty and he served a six-month sentence in federal prison. But in 1994 he was AGAIN elected by city residents to a four-year term as Mayor
When we allow these Filthy Hippy
like idiots to take over our Parks and Streets and to intimidate us
because they want to bully us
We have our Presidents and Secretaries of State that Lie to us with the blink of an eye!
We have our Presidents spy on us because of our Political beliefs.
now invaded other Nations under false pretexts, We Kill other World
Leaders without any thought of the consequence or worse without any
thought of breaking our Constitution.
Yet the supposedly moral Press
refuses to speak out against the President who lied to them, and who
abused their trust, and exceeded his lawful authority. Are they so far
in this President’s pocket that they allow this without challenging it
until he over steps his bounds when it comes to them personally?
yet the supposedly moral American people do not speak out, they do not
demand verifiable elections, and what is shocking and amazing they even
re-elected this president who has only showed his incapability to run
this Country the way that Founding Fathers have shown the way.
Have we forgotten all about our Constitution, The Bill of Rights,The Declaration of Independence?
I grew up, my School day started with the Pledge of Allegiance to Our
Flag, is that a forgotten or worse a bad thing to do anymore?
It’s alright for the Muslim kids to pray to Muhammad, but it’s taboo for us to Pledge our Allegiance to Our Flag.
our nation is in a moral decline. We can no longer wish our friends or
neighbors a “Merry Christmas” because it may offend someone!
America’s traditional values have gone down the toilet because of Political Correctness.
When will we stand up and shout, I’m Sick and Tired of All this Crap and I’m Not Going to Take it Any More?
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Nixon And Obama ~ The Worm Has Turned
Nixon and Obama, one has the descent to resign, the other chose to get around it by lying!
Fast and furious was swept under the run as fast as a Mexican Gun-Runner.
But all these newest scandals are popping up and slowly but surely unraveling and the public is catching up with the madness of this administration.
Benghazi was much more serious than Watergate because as we all know, 4 Americans did in fact die!
It was the cover-up, that eventually brought about Nixon’s resignation in disgrace. And now, finally Congress is investigating the cover-up of the terrorist attack Sept. 11, 2012, on the U.S. foreign service facility in Benghazi, Libya, and the lies that followed from Obama’s lap dogs, will this and the other scandals like the IRS scandal which is about to blow wide open bring down the Obama administration. Well, we can only hope so.

Monday, May 13, 2013
"What difference does it make"? She said!
"What difference does it make"? She said, as she sat there screaming and lying her ass off !
You got that right you ugly arrogant lying elitist pig, it makes plenty of difference to real Americans.
We have four dead Americans, it makes plenty of difference to the four families who lost these poor people. No matter what YOU and the rest of the Obama Administration may think!
“What difference does it make”? What Difference Does it Make? It may not make any difference to you, but it does to 99 percent of us REAL AMERICANS!
What we saw at the last hearing was the typical narcissist Hillary Clinton’s arrogance. I'm sure it matters to the families of those 4 Americans who were killed
I'll tell you what difference it makes to us Hillary, we all know the real truth about what happened, no matter how you and the rest of the other slime-bags in Washington try to spin it or lie about it. We all knew that you and your scrawny Socialist Boss knew, and we all knew that lying stooge Susan Rice knew about it also, no matter what you all say to us or to the bunch of dead brains who participated in that phoney hearing. We all know that YOU and your Boss Obozo refused to send help and you all lied about it as you each stood in front of the American public. Their blood is on all of your hands, and that includes Susan Rice and your Boss....Mister Barrack Hussein Obama!.
You were allowed to walk away without being asked the real questions, such as where was Obama when was he told and why didn’t anyone do anything about this attack? We know that you all sat around and watched the whole attack take place in Real Time!
"What difference does it make" ? Why didn't you receive those e-mails and letters that were sent begging for more security in this terrorist outpost, you all knew how dangerous this place was. This was not some beach in Hawaii , this is one of the most dangerous places in the entire world. What difference does it make? I want to know why the whole bunch of you aren’t being held accountable!
"What difference does it make?" I wonder if that what you said when you found out that Bubba was lying about Monica? "What difference does it make?" It makes all the difference in the world to us you arrogant elitist pig!
Why don’t you ask that question to the four families of the four dead Americans. Then we will know all know what difference it makes!
Would you ask that DUMB question "what difference does it make" if it were YOUR child that was MURDERED?
I wonder what that bunch of Progressives would be saying if Sarah Palin were sitting in that seat shouting "What difference does it make" to a Democratic Senator and giving the same wise ass answers. The media would have a field day, the bloggers on the left wouldn’t stop their bitching about it for the rest of the 4 years that the president would have left in office.
I’ll tell you “What difference it makes” The difference is that, as an American I would expect some truthful answers from the United States Secretary of State.
You got that right you ugly arrogant lying elitist pig, it makes plenty of difference to real Americans.
We have four dead Americans, it makes plenty of difference to the four families who lost these poor people. No matter what YOU and the rest of the Obama Administration may think!
“What difference does it make”? What Difference Does it Make? It may not make any difference to you, but it does to 99 percent of us REAL AMERICANS!
What we saw at the last hearing was the typical narcissist Hillary Clinton’s arrogance. I'm sure it matters to the families of those 4 Americans who were killed
I'll tell you what difference it makes to us Hillary, we all know the real truth about what happened, no matter how you and the rest of the other slime-bags in Washington try to spin it or lie about it. We all knew that you and your scrawny Socialist Boss knew, and we all knew that lying stooge Susan Rice knew about it also, no matter what you all say to us or to the bunch of dead brains who participated in that phoney hearing. We all know that YOU and your Boss Obozo refused to send help and you all lied about it as you each stood in front of the American public. Their blood is on all of your hands, and that includes Susan Rice and your Boss....Mister Barrack Hussein Obama!.
You were allowed to walk away without being asked the real questions, such as where was Obama when was he told and why didn’t anyone do anything about this attack? We know that you all sat around and watched the whole attack take place in Real Time!
"What difference does it make" ? Why didn't you receive those e-mails and letters that were sent begging for more security in this terrorist outpost, you all knew how dangerous this place was. This was not some beach in Hawaii , this is one of the most dangerous places in the entire world. What difference does it make? I want to know why the whole bunch of you aren’t being held accountable!
"What difference does it make?" I wonder if that what you said when you found out that Bubba was lying about Monica? "What difference does it make?" It makes all the difference in the world to us you arrogant elitist pig!
Why don’t you ask that question to the four families of the four dead Americans. Then we will know all know what difference it makes!
Would you ask that DUMB question "what difference does it make" if it were YOUR child that was MURDERED?
I wonder what that bunch of Progressives would be saying if Sarah Palin were sitting in that seat shouting "What difference does it make" to a Democratic Senator and giving the same wise ass answers. The media would have a field day, the bloggers on the left wouldn’t stop their bitching about it for the rest of the 4 years that the president would have left in office.
I’ll tell you “What difference it makes” The difference is that, as an American I would expect some truthful answers from the United States Secretary of State.
Monday, May 6, 2013
The Thin "Red Line"
Saddam Hussein had been engaged in the development of weapons of Mass Destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the UN who wanted to send in inspectors.
Without question, we needed to disarm Saddam Hussein. He was a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presented a threat not only to his own people but to te rest of the world.
Now, Here We Go Again! Now Chuck Hagel and the CIA with varying levels of confidence say they have proof of chemical weapons by Syria. Do you believe this, and could it be possible the so called Freedom Fighters released these to draw the U.S. into fighting another Muslim Brotherhood war for them? By the way all those who pose that there never were chemical weapons in Iraq, is it possible they crossed the boarder from Iraq some time during the night before we entered? Hagel is hanging the blame on the Assad regime, but who’s to say with these people. They are even more untrustworthy than our own elected officials. Hagel said he would have to ask Obama what to do. He really looked silly during this press briefing. Now we will find out!!! War Drum Role please. The White House says Syria’s Chemical Weapons Evidence is not “Airtight” and we need more evidence. As if 70,000 dead bodies is not enough evidence. So our dear Leader wants to draw a “Red Line” And Obama has said the use of chemical weapons would be a “game-changer” .
So were are we today? Could you imagine invading a Nation based on suspicions? Hell 70,000 dead bodies isn’t really proof of anything. It could be from an outbreak of Mad Cow disease, or a possible outbreak of West Nile Virus, after all they are near the Nile!
So, lets see now, how many more reports and deaths is good enough for Obama to call it “Evidence”? Another 70,000? The evidence appears to be strong but not necessarily exactly conclusive.
Look, I’m not saying that we should get involved or that we should or shouldn't intervene, but I am saying that if Obama is going to draw any “Red Lines” then he must show that he means what he says or else he is showing the whole world that we are Full of Crap and that we are really weaklings with a big mouth. Words are cheap.
Why should terrorism change? It has been working so well against America. Look at the facts, they have killed hundreds, and thousands of Americans and we have killed what, 10 or 12 of them at best. Look at the Twin Towers attack, the Boston Marathon bombing. The have our leaders and our people are terrified. The terrorists have won.
While we sit around and argue over Gun Control and Planned Parenthood, or Gay Marriage, and banning this and that and banning Soda or Salt, they are building bombs to kill us. What’s next, banning the pressure cookers. Pressure cookers don't kill people...people kill people, and Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.
This Political Correctness is absolutely the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I’m just waiting for Chuck Schumer to have a Sunday news conference to suggest Background checks be required for any pressure cooker purchase.
While we sit around and wait for The PIAPS to answers the real questions on the Sept. 11 attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, we are getting the shit kicked out of us.
And now Our Leader in Cheat is drawing Ted Lines in the Sand over Syria. Is the any end to this madness known as the Obama Administration?
But not to worry, if Syria crosses that “Red Line” Obammy will draw a new line.
Monday, April 29, 2013
The Thin "Red Line"
Sort of reminds me of the good old George Bush days, when everyone agreed with his administration and the fact that Saddam Hussein DID have Weapons of Mass Destruction. Just about every Democratic Politician in office including Hillary and Bill Clinton, John Kerry and Ted Kennedy wanted to go ahead and Invade Iraq.
Saddam Hussein had been engaged in the development of weapons of Mass Destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the UN who wanted to send in inspectors.
Without question, we needed to disarm Saddam Hussein. He was a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presented a threat not only to his own people but to te rest of the world.
Now, Here We Go Again! Now Chuck Hagel and the CIA with varying levels of confidence say they have proof of chemical weapons by Syria. Do you believe this, and could it be possible the so called Freedom Fighters released these to draw the U.S. into fighting another Muslim Brotherhood war for them? By the way all those who pose that there never were chemical weapons in Iraq, is it possible they crossed the boarder from Iraq some time during the night before we entered? Hagel is hanging the blame on the Assad regime, but who’s to say with these people. They are even more untrustworthy than our own elected officials. Hagel said he would have to ask Obama what to do. He really looked silly during this press briefing. Now we will find out!!! War Drum Role please. The White House says Syria’s Chemical Weapons Evidence is not “Airtight” and we need more evidence. As if 70,000 dead bodies is not enough evidence. So our dear Leader wants to draw a “Red Line” And Obama has said the use of chemical weapons would be a “game-changer” .
So were are we today? Could you imagine invading a Nation based on suspicions? Hell 70,000 dead bodies isn’t really proof of anything. It could be from an outbreak of Mad Cow disease, or a possible outbreak of West Nile Virus, after all they are near the Nile!
So, lets see now, how many more reports and deaths is good enough for Obama to call it “Evidence”? Another 70,000? The evidence appears to be strong but not necessarily exactly conclusive.
Look, I’m not saying that we should get involved or that we should or shouldn't intervene, but I am saying that if Obama is going to draw any “Red Lines” then he must show that he means what he says or else he is showing the whole world that we are Full of Crap and that we are really weaklings with a big mouth. Words are cheap.
Why should terrorism change? It has been working so well against America. Look at the facts, they have killed hundreds, and thousands of Americans and we have killed what, 10 or 12 of them at best. Look at the Twin Towers attack, the Boston Marathon bombing. The have our leaders and our people are terrified. The terrorists have won.
While we sit around and argue over Gun Control and Planned Parenthood, or Gay Marriage, and banning this and that and banning Soda or Salt, they are building bombs to kill us. What’s next, banning the pressure cookers. Pressure cookers don't kill people...people kill people, and Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.
This Political Correctness is absolutely the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I’m just waiting for Chuck Schumer to have a Sunday news conference to suggest Background checks be required for any pressure cooker purchase.
While we sit around and wait for The PIAPS to answers the real questions on the Sept. 11 attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, we are getting the shit kicked out of us.
And now Our Leader in Cheat is drawing Ted Lines in the Sand over Syria. Is the any end to this madness known as the Obama Administration?
But not to worry, if Syria crosses that “Red Line” Obammy will draw a new line.
Saddam Hussein had been engaged in the development of weapons of Mass Destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the UN who wanted to send in inspectors.
Without question, we needed to disarm Saddam Hussein. He was a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presented a threat not only to his own people but to te rest of the world.
Now, Here We Go Again! Now Chuck Hagel and the CIA with varying levels of confidence say they have proof of chemical weapons by Syria. Do you believe this, and could it be possible the so called Freedom Fighters released these to draw the U.S. into fighting another Muslim Brotherhood war for them? By the way all those who pose that there never were chemical weapons in Iraq, is it possible they crossed the boarder from Iraq some time during the night before we entered? Hagel is hanging the blame on the Assad regime, but who’s to say with these people. They are even more untrustworthy than our own elected officials. Hagel said he would have to ask Obama what to do. He really looked silly during this press briefing. Now we will find out!!! War Drum Role please. The White House says Syria’s Chemical Weapons Evidence is not “Airtight” and we need more evidence. As if 70,000 dead bodies is not enough evidence. So our dear Leader wants to draw a “Red Line” And Obama has said the use of chemical weapons would be a “game-changer” .
So were are we today? Could you imagine invading a Nation based on suspicions? Hell 70,000 dead bodies isn’t really proof of anything. It could be from an outbreak of Mad Cow disease, or a possible outbreak of West Nile Virus, after all they are near the Nile!
So, lets see now, how many more reports and deaths is good enough for Obama to call it “Evidence”? Another 70,000? The evidence appears to be strong but not necessarily exactly conclusive.
Look, I’m not saying that we should get involved or that we should or shouldn't intervene, but I am saying that if Obama is going to draw any “Red Lines” then he must show that he means what he says or else he is showing the whole world that we are Full of Crap and that we are really weaklings with a big mouth. Words are cheap.
Why should terrorism change? It has been working so well against America. Look at the facts, they have killed hundreds, and thousands of Americans and we have killed what, 10 or 12 of them at best. Look at the Twin Towers attack, the Boston Marathon bombing. The have our leaders and our people are terrified. The terrorists have won.
While we sit around and argue over Gun Control and Planned Parenthood, or Gay Marriage, and banning this and that and banning Soda or Salt, they are building bombs to kill us. What’s next, banning the pressure cookers. Pressure cookers don't kill people...people kill people, and Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.
This Political Correctness is absolutely the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I’m just waiting for Chuck Schumer to have a Sunday news conference to suggest Background checks be required for any pressure cooker purchase.
While we sit around and wait for The PIAPS to answers the real questions on the Sept. 11 attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, we are getting the shit kicked out of us.
And now Our Leader in Cheat is drawing Ted Lines in the Sand over Syria. Is the any end to this madness known as the Obama Administration?
But not to worry, if Syria crosses that “Red Line” Obammy will draw a new line.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Obama on Tattoos, And Who Really Gives A Crap!
And what a brilliant Idea he has, to discourage them.
During a interview on the “Today Show” witch was supposed to be about his views on the Boston Marathon bombings, the discussion seemed to switch to the subject about what he (Obama) and Michelle would do if the First Daughters ever decided to get a tattoo.
Seriously? Is this the best that the Media can come up with? This is a shade above asking the president of the United States of America “What kind of underwear do you wear” in a presidential debate. When the country is in a $16,808,Trillion Deficit, when there are so many unanswered questions about the Benghazi attack on our consulate, and about Iran, North Korea, and about how to stop terrorists before they kill some more. etc, and etc. How about removing Political Correctness, and adding some common sense!
This only goes to show you the craziness of the Liberal Progressive mind.
I have a suggestion, maybe he should just write an Executive Order banning his daughters from getting tattoos and that will solve everything, case closed!.
Obama on Tattoos, And Who Really Gives A Crap!
President Obama told the world today just how he feels about the “possibility” of his daughters getting tattoos!
And what a brilliant Idea he has, to discourage them.
During a interview on the “Today Show” witch was supposed to be about his views on the Boston Marathon bombings, the discussion seemed to switch to the subject about what he (Obama) and Michelle would do if the First Daughters ever decided to get a tattoo.
Seriously? Is this the best that the Media can come up with? This is a shade above asking the president of the United States of America “What kind of underwear do you wear” in a presidential debate. When the country is in a $16,808,Trillion Deficit, when there are so many unanswered questions about the Benghazi attack on our consulate, and about Iran, North Korea, and about how to stop terrorists before they kill some more. etc, and etc. How about removing Political Correctness, and adding some common sense!
This only goes to show you the craziness of the Liberal Progressive mind.
I have a suggestion, maybe he should just write an Executive Order banning his daughters from getting tattoos and that will solve everything, case closed!.
And what a brilliant Idea he has, to discourage them.
During a interview on the “Today Show” witch was supposed to be about his views on the Boston Marathon bombings, the discussion seemed to switch to the subject about what he (Obama) and Michelle would do if the First Daughters ever decided to get a tattoo.
Seriously? Is this the best that the Media can come up with? This is a shade above asking the president of the United States of America “What kind of underwear do you wear” in a presidential debate. When the country is in a $16,808,Trillion Deficit, when there are so many unanswered questions about the Benghazi attack on our consulate, and about Iran, North Korea, and about how to stop terrorists before they kill some more. etc, and etc. How about removing Political Correctness, and adding some common sense!
This only goes to show you the craziness of the Liberal Progressive mind.
I have a suggestion, maybe he should just write an Executive Order banning his daughters from getting tattoos and that will solve everything, case closed!.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
We Have A New Pope!
We Have A New Pope!
Every day I seem hear someone in Government telling and or my family what eat, where to eat, what to buy, and what not to buy, how to act, what to wear, what to say, where to go, and what to do! And because of this, I am as PISSED OFF as I can possibly get. These people are driving me crazy!
Contrary to my beliefs, I am being told that I can’t eat too much meat, salt, sugar, drink big soda’s, smoke, use plastic bags, Styrofoam coffee cups or styrofoam food containers.
For heaven sakes, what the hell has happened to MY RIGHTS? Ir this the America that I grew up in? That I served? That I was once so damn proud of?
We have a First Lady who was NOT elected to anything as far as I know, telling us what to do and what not to do, what to eat and what not to eat when she and her Hubby don’t give a Rats Ass about America.
We have a Mayor in New York who has more money then he know what to do with acting as if he was elected the United States Surgeon General.
And disapprovingly with everything the people of New York want to do. For Cod Sakes, if he wants to spend his money educating the people about good health then by all means do so. BUT STOP BANNING US FOR DOING WHAT WE WANT TO DO!
Thursday, March 14, 2013
We Have A New Pope!
We Have A New Pope!
Every day I seem hear someone in Government telling and or my family what eat, where to eat, what to buy, and what not to buy, how to act, what to wear, what to say, where to go, and what to do! And because of this, I am as PISSED OFF as I can possibly get. These people are driving me crazy!
Contrary to my beliefs, I am being told that I can’t eat too much meat, salt, sugar, drink big soda’s, smoke, use plastic bags, styrofoam coffee cups or styrofoam food containers.
For heaven sakes, what the hell has happened to MY RIGHTS? Ir this the America that I grew up in? That I served? That I was once so damn proud of?
We have a First Lady who was NOT elected to anything as far as I know, telling us what to do and what not to do, what to eat and what not to eat when she and her Hubby don’t give a Rats Ass about America.
We have a Mayor in New York who has more money then he know what to do with acting as if he was elected the United States Surgeon General.
And disapprovingly with everything the people of New York want to do. For Cod Sakes, if he wants to spend his money educating the people about good health then by all means do so. BUT STOP BANNING US FOR DOING WHAT WE WANT TO DO!
Every day I seem hear someone in Government telling and or my family what eat, where to eat, what to buy, and what not to buy, how to act, what to wear, what to say, where to go, and what to do! And because of this, I am as PISSED OFF as I can possibly get. These people are driving me crazy!
Contrary to my beliefs, I am being told that I can’t eat too much meat, salt, sugar, drink big soda’s, smoke, use plastic bags, styrofoam coffee cups or styrofoam food containers.
For heaven sakes, what the hell has happened to MY RIGHTS? Ir this the America that I grew up in? That I served? That I was once so damn proud of?
We have a First Lady who was NOT elected to anything as far as I know, telling us what to do and what not to do, what to eat and what not to eat when she and her Hubby don’t give a Rats Ass about America.
We have a Mayor in New York who has more money then he know what to do with acting as if he was elected the United States Surgeon General.
And disapprovingly with everything the people of New York want to do. For Cod Sakes, if he wants to spend his money educating the people about good health then by all means do so. BUT STOP BANNING US FOR DOING WHAT WE WANT TO DO!
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Have you ever had the feeling that we you’re surrounded by idiots?
The truth is that we are surrounded by idiots that voted for Obama!
For example, just look at the way this IRS scandal is being handled.
Let me count the ways.. We have Tea party organizations that applied for tax-exempt status, and other organizations applying for tax-exempt status based upon their names or policy positions such as supporters of Israel.
And the response and denials we are getting from the lefties, these idiotic people that are calling themselves”Progressives” these days! I had not else to do but to laugh when I heard their lame explanations or excuses.. Everyone on this crooked administration lied to congress . Even the White House Lied, and who is the White House? It’s not just a White Building! And the acting commissioner of the IRS lied to congress. And the bottom feeder lefty bloggers swear to these lies. Did you ever see a lefty blogger that didn’t believe everything that comes out of that sewer pond called the Obama Administration?
Right now the lefties are in full blown panic mode. Whenever there’s a scandal the Left goes in to a spin, spin, spin mode. And a biased press are more than willing to spread lies that the White House puts out.
The disturbing outrage is that the IRS was able to do this And as we know the IRS scandal is not the only one facing this Administration today. We also have Benghazi Gate, Associated Press Gate,! And is everyone forgetting our $16 trillion debt?
If you believe nobody was targeted for political reasons you are a fucking moron and/or just a lying tool for your political party. You people have shown us all just how truly pathetic you are by defending the indefensible.
Nixon may have had his plumbers, Clinton had his Trooper gate, but Obama has his Gestapo IRS doing his dirty work.
Now we are finding that there are Chemical weapons in Syria. Well imagine that! Chemical weapons in Syria, who would have thunk? I wonder how Syria got Chemical weapons with Barack Obama the Great One not knowing about it?
Or, maybe, just maybe, George W. Bush was right all the time and Iraq DID have Chemical weapons that were shipped off to Syria as was first thought! And maybe, just maybe Bush didn't lie after all!
If you remember as I do, Bush listened to the democratic critics on Iraq,and he kept postponing the invasion, waiting for UN sanctions, and for those famous UN Inspectors and approval for the invasion. That gave Saddam Hussein more than enough time to ship the weapons to Syria.
Of course President Bush was right about Saddaḿs WMDs -- but the Liberal media decided on the motto "Bush lied people died"
The question should be, "where did Syria get these WMD?".
Did someone else provide them to Syria? Like maybe Iraq?
None of these are good outcomes for the Obama administration, not for Hillary Clinton, not for Susan Rice, and certainly not for Barack Hussein Obama, or his demented old grinning idiot Joe Biden.
Either they failed to detect a WMD program, failed to detect WMD smuggling operation, or BUSH WAS RIGHT!So now the truth is coming out and President Bush should be vindicated....
WE desperately need some real Men in the White House, not a Chicken Shit Liar....
And now Syria has weapons of mass destruction
But the left in this country will never ever be able to admit that Bush was correct.
Shame on the naysayers and the sheep who believed them. Shame on the liberal press and the Democratic swine who were willing to smear George Bush. And Shame on those voted to give this Socialist another 4 years to further destroy America.
Merry Christmas President and Mrs. Bush and a Happy New Year You were a very GOOD president that kept us safe, rich and fully employed.
For eight years he kept the Democrats away from redistributing us away to the undeserving freeloaders.
Obama says that Hillary Clinton will go down in history
President Barack Obama says Hillary Clinton will go down in history as one of the finest secretaries of state. In a historic first, Obama made the glowing declaration to Steve Kroft in the Blue Room of the White House in a joint interview with the outgoing the Secretary of State. It was the first interview Obama and Clinton have ever done together. It was also the first joint interview the president has ever given with anyone other than his wife.
I wonder what his criteria is for this prestigious title?
Kissing his ass, lying for him, covering up his failures, taking responsibility for his mistakes?
Does anyone with an IQ above room temperature knows that these are two shameless liars patting each other on their backs.
Lefties sure like to shovel the manure high!
Obama says lots of things. Some are ALMOST rational MOST ARE NOT..
I think that this President has already broken the record for spending, lying, cheating, crapping on our constitution, blaming his predecessor, and chutzpah!
What he has done to the state of Israel, Mexico - Fast & Furious - arming cartels - the AP, Seal Team Six, The Tea Party,Congress by bypassing them with EO's & Czars, The evangelicals, The Conservatives, The GOP, The Catholic Church, PRO - LIFE GROUPS - -. the Breitbart Family, grassroots groups, the IRS, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the US Military, the US Embassies, The State Department, The CIA, the FBI, our law enforcement across the land and many more people in America is unprecedented.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Do you agree with your Dear Leader that the massacre at Fort Hood was “Work Place Violence” or do you think this was terrorism?
One has to wonder about these Bottom-Feeding Progressives, do they agree with Obama on the Fort Hood shooting was work place violence
Do you agree with your dear leader or do you think this was terrorism. Oh I almost forgot, the word or term terrorism was removed from the President’s vocabulary!
And why hasn’t he already faced a military tribunal for treason and executed for killing his fellow soldiers in cold blood?
I wonder how many peopl on these boards know that Nidal Malik Hasan, the Muslim Terrorist who killed 13 at America's Fort Hood military base, once gave a lecture to other doctors in which he said non-believers should be beheaded and have boiling oil poured down their throats.
He also told colleagues at America's top military hospital that non-Muslims were infidels condemned to hell who should be set on fire.
The outburst came during an hour-long talk Hassan, an Army psychiatrist, gave on the Koran in front of dozens of other doctors at Walter Reed Army Medical Centre in Washington DC, where he worked for six years before arriving at Fort Hood in July.
Colleagues had expected a discussion on a medical issue but were instead given an extremist interpretation of the Koran, which Hassan appeared to believe.
It was the latest in a series of "red flags" about his state of mind that have emerged since the massacre at Fort Hood.
Do you agree with your dear leader or do you think this was terrorism. Oh I almost forgot, the word or term terrorism was removed from the President’s vocabulary!
And why hasn’t he already faced a military tribunal for treason and executed for killing his fellow soldiers in cold blood?
I wonder how many peopl on these boards know that Nidal Malik Hasan, the Muslim Terrorist who killed 13 at America's Fort Hood military base, once gave a lecture to other doctors in which he said non-believers should be beheaded and have boiling oil poured down their throats.
He also told colleagues at America's top military hospital that non-Muslims were infidels condemned to hell who should be set on fire.
The outburst came during an hour-long talk Hassan, an Army psychiatrist, gave on the Koran in front of dozens of other doctors at Walter Reed Army Medical Centre in Washington DC, where he worked for six years before arriving at Fort Hood in July.
Colleagues had expected a discussion on a medical issue but were instead given an extremist interpretation of the Koran, which Hassan appeared to believe.
It was the latest in a series of "red flags" about his state of mind that have emerged since the massacre at Fort Hood.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
The Un-answered Questions About Benghazi
In regard to the UN-answered questions about Benghazi, are we going to just forget about them? Are we going to press the issue until these UN-answered questions ARE answered? Or are we going to allow the Libs to say, "Time to Move On"?
There are so many UN-answered question to be answered that it is simply shameful. Where is the outrage from the families? Why aren’t they in the public limelight every day demanding answers? Is there something that I missed?
Did Obama aided and abetted by Hilary Clinton, and Susan Rice, cover this thing up so masterfully, that it’s simply going to get swept away in the night like so many other UN-answered questions?
There is so much more to this story that we haven´t heard that I find it shocking that it's not in the headlines of the news every day.
However he's not going to tell us anything that's going to fly, you can bet on that.
If those four murders happen when there was a Republican in the white house then they keep up the pressure to want to know why, and they would not stop asking the important questions until they were satisfied with the answers. . But when there is a Democrat and especial a black liberal in the white house it gets put in the “Sweep it Under the Rug Mode".
It’s high time that they put the pressure on these 3 incompetent liars and get some real answers. But you and I already know it’s never going to happen. So lets just close the door and shut the lights and go home.
This is just going to fade away like Obama’s promise to “Bring these killers to justice”
Yeah right. Obama would much rather Boogie down in the White House or play Gplf with Tiger Woods.
There are so many UN-answered question to be answered that it is simply shameful. Where is the outrage from the families? Why aren’t they in the public limelight every day demanding answers? Is there something that I missed?
Did Obama aided and abetted by Hilary Clinton, and Susan Rice, cover this thing up so masterfully, that it’s simply going to get swept away in the night like so many other UN-answered questions?
There is so much more to this story that we haven´t heard that I find it shocking that it's not in the headlines of the news every day.
However he's not going to tell us anything that's going to fly, you can bet on that.
If those four murders happen when there was a Republican in the white house then they keep up the pressure to want to know why, and they would not stop asking the important questions until they were satisfied with the answers. . But when there is a Democrat and especial a black liberal in the white house it gets put in the “Sweep it Under the Rug Mode".
It’s high time that they put the pressure on these 3 incompetent liars and get some real answers. But you and I already know it’s never going to happen. So lets just close the door and shut the lights and go home.
This is just going to fade away like Obama’s promise to “Bring these killers to justice”
Yeah right. Obama would much rather Boogie down in the White House or play Gplf with Tiger Woods.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
So it looks like our Dear Leader and members of Congress are going to expend time and energy to come to a "compromise" that absolves people of the offense of entering this country illegally. Key word "illegally"! Make NO mistake about that!
Because as we all know Obama arrogantly disregards laws he doesn’t like.
Hey Obozo, whats taking you so long? We would have thought that you would have invoked one of your "executive Orders" by now. After all, the sooner we give them amnesty, the sooner they can sign up for Subsidized housing, Food stamps, free School lunches, free Hospitalization, free Medicaid, Cell phones, SSI, and some of the 80 other giveaway programs that the government uses to transfer money from those who earned it to those who didn't earn it. All this while they send all that money back to Mexico. This is an absolute outrage.
This is not only a slap in the face to every law-abiding citizen and legal immigrant, but it sends a signal to anyone who wants to live in the United States that our government bends to the will of criminals and those who support them, As well as making an absolute mockery of our immigration laws. Ya gotta love Obama, securing a path to citizenship for illegals, but not too concerned about securing our borders.
Is the Republican Party going to agree and go along with this sham only because they lost the election? What about the millions who agree with enforcing the laws that are already in place? Don't our votes count?
It would seem that our entire government is concerned with appeasing a vocal minority of voters.
Bottom lime, it's simple,
if they want to get in line like everyone else did and come here fair, and square ...that's fine. Otherwise send then back back to where they came from.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Obama Eliminates Breakfast for US Troops in Afghanistan, While He Stuffs His Own Face
You read it correctly!
The Army has stopped serving cooked breakfasts to some of the U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan as part of its drawdown, a move that prompted troops to write home asking their families and friends to send care packages with cereal, breakfast bars and other foods.
The Army told the Washington Guardian the current cutbacks began Jan. 1, and affect about 2,700 soldiers deployed in forward operating bases in more remote areas of Afghanistan
We got what we deserve! We got what we voted for! The Democrats won, Obama won and America certainly did lose!
The Emperor Obama and the Moocher stuff their throats with only the best while our troops don’t get crap for breakfast. If you are a Vet and you voted for this Clown, then you should be ashamed of yourself.
The Army has stopped serving cooked breakfasts to some of the U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan as part of its drawdown, a move that prompted troops to write home asking their families and friends to send care packages with cereal, breakfast bars and other foods.
The Army told the Washington Guardian the current cutbacks began Jan. 1, and affect about 2,700 soldiers deployed in forward operating bases in more remote areas of Afghanistan
We got what we deserve! We got what we voted for! The Democrats won, Obama won and America certainly did lose!
The Emperor Obama and the Moocher stuff their throats with only the best while our troops don’t get crap for breakfast. If you are a Vet and you voted for this Clown, then you should be ashamed of yourself.
Is Obama Insane by Giving 20 F-16 Fighter Jets And Tanks to These Crazies In Egypt?

Despite the recent hostel activities in Egypt, despite the protests and riots and the possible cave of the Government despite the fact that Obama helped to sponsor, Mohammed Morsi as the new Islamic president of the Muslim Brotherhood and despite the instability in Egypt due to the new Islamic Government, Our Dear leader the newly re-elected President of the United States of America evidently hasn't learned enough about backing the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt
Yes indeedy, Obama has just approved sending over 20 F-16 fighter jets to Egypt as part of a $1 BILLION FOREIGN AID PACKAGE! How stupid is that? Yes, with all the talk about the high rate of UN-employment here at home and with all the BS about the "Fiscal Cliff" we are sending a Billion dollars in Foreign aid to Egypt
That’s right fellow taxpayers, that’s $1 billion of our money and our technology to a government run by the radical Muslim Brotherhood.
Didn’t I say back when this stupid “Arab Spring” thing first started that there would come a day when they wished they had Mubarak back?
Obama doesn't have the moral judgment to figure out whós the good or bad guys in these new Islamic countries. You gotta admit that it's pretty sick when our own President is milking the American taxpayer to arm an enemy.
So you Obama supporters, who do you think our real problem is? Iran? North Korea? Russia? No, Obama is the problem. And you democrats who put him in office are also the problem to allow him to go back to Our White House and do things such as this. The American electorate is the problem. Who else allowed this incompetent Radical, Socialist our White House?
Do you really think that Obama and Secretary of State Hilary Clinton are stupid? No, they are as sly as a Fox. They are however Socialist ideologues that support these anti America Islamists. So much for the demonstrator in Egypt that want Morisi to step down. Hard to argue with 200 tanks, and 20 F-16 fighter jets shooting at you.. Why are we spending over a Billion Dollars by giving them war Planes and Tanks? It makes no sense. We could have saved a lot of money just by sending all of these Egyptian rebels here to the USA, and just give them Food Stamps and Welfare.
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