I'm know as The Debonair Dude, the Administrator of the Blog "Our World As We See It" .An Interactive Community Dedicated to the Free and Open Exchange of Ideas and of opinions. ... Our motto here is “The truth shall set you free”

As they say, “the truth shall set you free” so in my blog I'll let you know exactly what's on my mind. I don't play the PC game, If you want my opinion, I’m here to give you exactly that, so be very careful what you ask for, because you might get what you asked for.

This forum is very general, it has subjects from Humor to Politics, Trivia, Sports, News. Entertainment, Current Events and anything else that maybe on your mind.This blog will tell you my why I believe Barack Hussein Obama is the worst and the most incompetent President the USA has ever seen.

Monday, May 18, 2015

And The Loons Are Still Calling for More and More Gun Control laws.

Lets talk about the Left’s constant call for More and More Gun Control laws... This anti gun madness comes to light each and every time some Nut-Case shoots someone with an Illegal Gun.......
    This morning I woke up to the headlines in my newspaper that read,
“Biker Gang Shooting Leaves Nine Dead, 18 Injured in a restaurant in Waco Texas.

How many more NEW laws do we need to proof that?   It has been my observation through the years that no matter how many laws or how strict the laws are, criminals and Gang members are going to get and use guns.  And the Loons on the Left would be blaming the NRA and the Second Amendment, and I was right,  it didn’t take too long, for the Lefty morons to fault the Gun Laws and the “legal” gun owners.
NO law and neither the NRA or the Second Amendment would have stopped any of the mass shootings that have happened throughout the country, or this motorcycle gang shooting yesterday afternoon.   And not one NEW LAW will stop violent gun crime in California, or Texas, or in New York, Chicago or anywhere else in the United States. Criminals do what they do because they are Criminals, and Criminals have Illegal Guns!  And Criminals do not comply with these laws no matter how many more stupid laws they make!

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