I'm know as The Debonair Dude, the Administrator of the Blog "Our World As We See It" .An Interactive Community Dedicated to the Free and Open Exchange of Ideas and of opinions. ... Our motto here is “The truth shall set you free”

As they say, “the truth shall set you free” so in my blog I'll let you know exactly what's on my mind. I don't play the PC game, If you want my opinion, I’m here to give you exactly that, so be very careful what you ask for, because you might get what you asked for.

This forum is very general, it has subjects from Humor to Politics, Trivia, Sports, News. Entertainment, Current Events and anything else that maybe on your mind.This blog will tell you my why I believe Barack Hussein Obama is the worst and the most incompetent President the USA has ever seen.

Monday, May 25, 2015

On this Memorial Day 2015

On this Memorial Day, most to us Americans spend the day by giving thanks to those who have shown their devotion to this Great Country by giving service and paying the ultimate sacrifice.... some gave service and some GAVE ALL, and I would like to thank them ALL.
Although it is natural for us Americans to spend the holidays by running to the nearest Mall and taking advantage of the Big Sales. However, Memorial Day is not just another holiday where us workers get a three-day weekend or a day when all the stores run sales and we who want to go shopping, spend the day doing just that!  But this Holiday is more that just that, it is a day set aside to honor the ultimate sacrifice of those who have fought to defend our nation and leave their loved ones to go across the seas to take the necessary  military action in foreign lands to defend our rights and the rights and lives of our fellow man. . We of course also honor  those who suffered wounds and returned home, in ways that left them with wounds that can never be recovered.  That’s why we need to remind ourselves that Memorial Day is more, (much more) that a day to search for bargains or to eat another Hot Dog fresh off the grill. Sure that’s great also, and I know that it’s great to spend the day at the beach or at a party guzzling down another Beer.  But we MUST remember that on Memorial Day, especially on this Memorial Day we MUST devote some time to , at least go to you local Memorial Day parade and  honor, those Men and Women, American Servicemen and Service women, and our sons and daughters who gave their lives when our nation called on them to do what was necessary to do.
As I said, especially today when we wake up almost every morning to worry about the emergence of other world powers who are looking to destroy us and our friends and Allies, who are being threatened and KILLED by this new brand of “Frankenstein Monsters” such as ISIS, Hezbollah, and al Qaeda  who threaten, and murder Christians and Jews, only because that are Christians and Jews!  Who are next? We’re in a very dangerous situation and we have a President who most of us agree that we can not rely or depend of protecting us. Or is to sympathetic with the Muslims to do what is needed to do.  Be it for personal or for religious reasons, and I personally don’t give a dam what his reasons are but when it comes to Islam, he has said that “The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer” Is he still calling these monsters the "Religion of Peace"? Right now the Muslim world is a Cancer , that must be destroyed!
But Obama has said “We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world  including in my own country.”

Let’s see, talking about Memorial Day, back in the day when Men were Men and not Girly Men...like after Pearl Harbor was bombed, or more recently when the World Trade Towers was bombed on September the 11th, George Bush didn’t have to unite the country, Men and Women rushed to enlist in the Armed Forces to fight and Kill the Bastards that dared to attack this country. For many of these young Americans, that lined up to enlist it was a more of a matter of patriotism, then a matter of national survival!  The entire country was reunited again, it wasn’t a case of Republican or Democrat, white or Black, or Asian, it was ALL Americans, including yours truly..
And that’s why we MUST give our thanks to these Men and Women for their service to our country.
Meanwhile, to get back to today’s problems we must strengthen our defenses. as well as our military power to strike when needed. Recently we have learned to well what happens when our President retreats from the responsibility to look the other away, and deter our responsibilities. You can NOT just ignore Monsters like ISIS and hope that  they’ll go away.

 Thank you to all those who have died so that WE could remain free.

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