I'm know as The Debonair Dude, the Administrator of the Blog "Our World As We See It" .An Interactive Community Dedicated to the Free and Open Exchange of Ideas and of opinions. ... Our motto here is “The truth shall set you free”

As they say, “the truth shall set you free” so in my blog I'll let you know exactly what's on my mind. I don't play the PC game, If you want my opinion, I’m here to give you exactly that, so be very careful what you ask for, because you might get what you asked for.

This forum is very general, it has subjects from Humor to Politics, Trivia, Sports, News. Entertainment, Current Events and anything else that maybe on your mind.This blog will tell you my why I believe Barack Hussein Obama is the worst and the most incompetent President the USA has ever seen.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Arrogance of Hillary Clinton, the New “Queen of Mean”

Let's start with the Lies, Cover Ups and Fabrications .
The US consulate was hit on the most obvious date when guard should have been increased yet it was virtually nonexistent. That is abject failure of duty. A coverup was created and repeated to deflect attention away from the reality of the incident in order to protect reelection chances. That's Watergate. A lie was implemented and repeated by the media to coverup the initial coverup. That is beyond Watergate.
Nothing phony about any of that malfeasance.  As we know a good deal more about the September 11th attack on Benghazi now than we did when it broke, the main motive and possibly the ONLY motive and the following cover-up by the Obama administration, led by Obama himself and his “secretary of State, Her Thighness Hillary Clinton, the new  “Queen of Mean”,Susan Wright the then UN Ambassador (who Obama promised to promote to keep her quite) , and the media was straightforward: to ensure a second Obama term.  None of these liars have any  respect for our founding values and the Constitution!  The arrogance of them ALL!

When the temporary mission in Benghazi was attacked and four Americans killed, the 2012 presidential election was less than sixty days away.
Only bigots, and Hillary’s Butt Kissers would  try to defend it.  Is this the kind of leadership we want from the new president in 2016?  I think not!  If the original Queen of Mean, Leona Helmsley were alive today, she’d be very happy to know that someone else has taken away her well earned title. How can anyone, progressive, liberal or Democratic  defend Hillary's actions of the past and present?   And even now, today, it turns out she probably deleted all those incriminating e-mails after the House committee notified her they were investigating them.  And lets not forget that Hillary was on the commission who was investigating Nixon, so she learned a lesson well. .
This is nothing other than obstruction of justice and evidence tampering at it’s highest degree. If she has so little regard for law now, and has had this history of such behavior, how can anyone possibly support her for President?  Hillary broke the Law, and the best thing she could say was “what difference does it make”?

If you believe this Cock and Bull Story about the attack on Benghazi being  because of a "video" as  being what Obama calls transparency then I have a Bridge to sell You In Brooklyn!


  1. Hi, Dude! Oh, NO, you have that awful QUEEN HILLARY image!!! She really IS the Queen of Mean, isn't she. And the LIES the left swallows are amazing, and she expects us to swallow them, too?
    Gad....imagine HER as OUR PRESIDENT. I can't stand it. I thought Obama was terrible...well, he IS, but......

  2. Hi, Dude! Oh, NO, you have that awful QUEEN HILLARY image!!! She really IS the Queen of Mean, isn't she. And the LIES the left swallows are amazing, and she expects us to swallow them, too?
    Gad....imagine HER as OUR PRESIDENT. I can't stand it. I thought Obama was terrible...well, he IS, but......

  3. And I agree with "Z" 100 percent.
