I'm know as The Debonair Dude, the Administrator of the Blog "Our World As We See It" .An Interactive Community Dedicated to the Free and Open Exchange of Ideas and of opinions. ... Our motto here is “The truth shall set you free”

As they say, “the truth shall set you free” so in my blog I'll let you know exactly what's on my mind. I don't play the PC game, If you want my opinion, I’m here to give you exactly that, so be very careful what you ask for, because you might get what you asked for.

This forum is very general, it has subjects from Humor to Politics, Trivia, Sports, News. Entertainment, Current Events and anything else that maybe on your mind.This blog will tell you my why I believe Barack Hussein Obama is the worst and the most incompetent President the USA has ever seen.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

So we have come to where we now have a President who threatens the Supreme Court

Way to go Barack, if the Supreme Court don't see things your way,just TELL them what they should or should not do.
 On this lovely Monday our Dear Leader President Barack Hussein Obama  took time out of his busy Vacation to hold a  press conference  also known as a little temper tantrum the Rose Garden of the White House. His  purpose was to to threaten the  Justices of the United States Supreme Court,  that they are obligated to uphold ObamaCare as constitutional and vote to uphold the bill.
The inept, arrogant one chose to purposely misinterpret the Constitution of the United States because he thinks the American people are  gullible, misinformed, and stupid.  He thinks that because he don't or won't understand the concept of checks and balances and the role of the three branches of our government, that the average Joe on the street doesn't either. 
How disgraceful it is for this Little Man to threaten the SCOTUS  in such an obvious  manner.  You would think his outburst and threats against the Justices would sicken even the Democrats, but no, nothing will stop these Fruit Cakes from following this dictator.
If Obama is re-elected, and I hope to God that he isn't, I’m positive it will mean the end of free elections in America. We will become another Soviet Union, another  land run by an elite group of Marxists who will exploit all of the people for their own personal gain. America, for all intent and purpose will be gone and dead as we knew it.
If Bush had said anything close to what Obama has said the media wouldn't  stop telling us about it for a month or two.. But why should that surprise anyone? 


  1. "he thinks the American people are gullible"

    I'm sorry to say that he has a point. After all, he realizes that a significant number, at least, were or he wouldn't be disgracing the 'Office'or even have a snowball's chance in #e!!of getting re-elected! I hope to God that I'm wrong but I fear that the problem may be much greater than just HIM!

  2. JonBergApr

    "he thinks the American people are gullible"
    I'm sorry to say that he has a point"

    And I agree, they are very gullible!

  3. It is a felony to even attempt to intimidate a sitting judge.

    Not that anyone is going to hold HUSSEIN accountable!

  4. It is a felony even to attempt to intimidate a sitting judge.

    Not that anyone is going to hold HUSSEIN accountable!
